Monday, March 14, 2011

Interesting Conversations (This is definate proof that my boyfriend is a healthy teenaged male.)

Facebook is a breeding ground for interesting conversations.
Example A:
Boyfriend: Hey :)
Me: Hi :)
Wow I suck.
Dinner time
Me: Haha
Go have some eats
~~~A long time and half of a conversation later~~~
Me: Yeeeah.
Truth or dare?
Boyfriend: Truth!
Didn't see that coming did ya? ;D
Me: Oh nope i didn't lol. Do you think I'm emo?
Boyfriend: Nooooo
You don't seem emo at all. xD
Me: Just wondering
Boyfriend: Yeah
Me: Wait, was that sarcastic?
Boyfriend: No, it wasn't.
It was funny cause you don't seem like it.
T or D? 
Me: Lol
Boyfriend: Do I seem like a stoner? lol
Ive had a lot of people ask me for weed.
They're like:
"Hey, dude you got any weed?"
"Umm no..?"
"You like like you do weed."
Me: :DD
That could be some form of a twisted compliment
Boyfriend: Sure can;
That's how I take it
Me: Lol
Truth or dare?
Boyfriend: xD
"Wanna watch this movie?" - Dad
"Uhh sure" - me
"I'mma warn you, there might be some boobies in this. "
"OH NO! D:"
"xD, I love you son, but I still wanna beat the sh** out of you."
I likes your family :):)
Boyfriend: xD
I like 'em too
That reminds me of my cousin Miranda because one day Michael was semi-ignoring her for the PS3
(Meanwhile I was reading a book)
and Miranda was like, "Why are you ignoring me?!"
and he was like "I love you. You're my girlfriend; but this game has boobs in it."
So she was like "I HAVE BOOBS TOO.". It was a golden moment.
Boyfriend: Omg, that's awesome. xD
Me: Shane :D:D
Me: Remember don't ignore me :3:3 I has boobs.
Boobs = 96% of the reason why more guys aren't gay.
Just sayin.
Boyfriend: YES
Me: :DD
Boyfriend: Boobs are amazin' :3
Me: Yeeeah they're pretty handy .
I bet they can double as floatation devices like...balloon animals or air bags.
Except they're boobs.
They're also good pillows.
Me: Oh yes definitely ;3
That makes me wonder if you've tried to use some one's boobs as pillows
I did
They were comfy
Whose were ya pillow-fying?
I was sitting on hers and Tyler's lap
Me: Sounds sexy
Boyfriend: Yeah
It was fun.
Boobs are so interesting.
They're like little sacks of goodness.
Unless they're big. Then it's big sacks of goodness.

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