Saturday, March 19, 2011

Feed my fishies, Oh Kelsey.

Second post of the night, w00t!!
All thanks to boyfriend!! Ha.

I'm going to have the unposted post now posted from Friday on here, by the way. Just saying.

I made Shane a fishy in my box up there! It's the white one. You should go feed Shane's fish lol. Shane just figured out that you can feed the fish.
Best discovery since fire? ;) Oh yes.

I didn't do much of a post Friday. I got kind of tired. As in, I passed out on the kitchen table for an hour and it had nothing to do with the roofies Lauren gave me this time!! ( totally did have to do with the roofies) (Lol jkjk). I have a little bit about snowcones and Joseph being immature/bleehhh/a penis-collata.

Friday's post:

Today was an interestingly-weird day.
We had snow cones!!!
Yum. I didn't really want to buy an entire snow cone though so I just ate some of Joseph's. He can be so immature sometimes though ha ha.
Joseph: Hey can I borrow snow cone money?
Me: Okai
Me: What flavor did you get? :D **grabs spoon and eats some**
Joseph: Penis collata :D
Me: ....You suck

Didja like it? Didja like it? Nah? Well fuck you, Gumby! >:D
I absolutely love Ray William Johnson. He's hilarious. Definitely one of my favorite YouTube people.
Shane Dawson...Charlieissocoollike...Ray William J....aha, so much comedy so little time.

I like the song Kelsey by Metro station. It's sweet. I wish my name was Kelsey sometimes because of it <3.
Ya know? There are those songs that catch your heart and make you think, or the ones that remind you of yourself. Those are the best.

"Now it's gonna get harder,
and it's gonna burn brighter
And it's gonna feel tougher, each and every day,
So let me say that I love you,
You're all I've ever wanted,
All I've ever dreamed of to come,
And yes you did come." 
Sweet, huh? Yeah, I like a lot of songs like that.

I'm thinking about sending that raving homosexual-raging homosexual picture I made to a popular Internet comic website. The art style I used is really similar, and kind of based off of it. I don't know if they'd actually do anything with it but Boyfriend wants me to so -shrug-.

I think I'm going to go talk to Boyfriend now. :]

"I'd swim the ocean for you,
the ocean for you,
Whoa oh, Kelsey"

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