Thursday, September 15, 2011

Not Quite Last Will and Testament

AP History shall be the death of me.
Sheila, Bri, Savvy and Lily can have my manga.
Meorgan can have my food and my "broken soul".
Sarah can share the soul with Meorgan.
Shane can have everything else that no one claims. He has my heart of course, derp.

And sooo ends the life of Briana Hardman. R.I.P.


Blount vs Davidson tomorrow!
First away game. I dunno whether to be excited or not.
I hope I get to hang out with Boyfriend.
I'm spending the night with Meorgan and Sarah afterwards. That'll be fun.

IB is tiring.
I have no life outside of school now. Lol.

My eyes feel like resting right now..
I love you!



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Newport Living

Aaaand Davidson'd winning streak continues!
The rednecks were no match for us.
Blunt vs Davidson next week.


So tomorrow's 9/11.
Hmm. Yeeeah. It's been ten years.
I saw a documentary today on Netflix; it was talking about how it was a conspiracy.
Weird, right?


Monday. It's coming. Oh noes.
I don't like Mondays.
Plus, it'll be one year on Monday.


I saw a girl at the game that looked a lot like Ashley. It probably wasnt.

Sheila keeps telling me that she doesn't understand why we don't get along. I miss her.
I mean both of them, by the way, haha. I haven't hung out with Sheila in a while.


School is good. :D


Pancakes. That is all.


I'm so happy with him. I hope he's still happy with me.


Love, the four year old Turdolphin.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Na na na na na na, Batman!

I don't remember when I posted my last post so if I hadn't mentioned it already, Davidson won our first football game!
It was cool.


So Natalie's party was yesterday. I got her poptarts and donuts. I really suck at wrapping presents.
Oh well.
Boyfriend got her cat food! He's a good friend.
I didn't know too many people there (I knew everyone from Davidson but there were people from Baker and Icon too). I basically hung out with Boyfriend/Adrianna/Allie/Boone/etc.
Natalie got mad at Boyfriend (and I'm assuming me too. I dun really know. She texted Boyfriend yesterday about it, which is the only reason I know) because he was antisocial and hanging out with me and stuff.
The party was fun nonetheless.
Natalie's cake had a dinosaur on it.


Well it's almost the third week of school.
I have to write this paragraph about Animal Farm by Tuesday, I believe. I should probably do it now but I'm lazy.
I'll do it later.


I need to check people's blogs more often. I don't use my computer much during the week so I don't usually check for days at a time. >.<
Like, I just now read any blogs that have been posted in the past week.



Now its Monday and such. Now I'm going to post this and such.



So, I have a secret.

It's a secrety secret. You have to promise not to tell.

~..To be continued..~

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Twenty Four

Davidson VS Leflore tomorrow!
I'm sooooo totally prepared for this (Sarcasm, ftw). It'll be cool.

I love Davidson. I get to see Boyfriend everyday. I get to see Natalie and Morgan and Mish and other peoples everyday. They sell pizza, cookies, ice cream, candy and coke there.
Best school evar.
There's only a few things I dislike.
  1. I hate English with a burning passion. I burning passion of burningness and stuff. I really really hate it.
  2. I dunno that many people in my own grade.
  3. Van's there...and I see him a lot...we don't talk but, I don't like being around him. It makes me sad. I hate it.
And that's pretty much it. So yeah.


I'm probably gonna be able to go to that one concert! :D
I'm going to be so happy if I can.


Hey so like...I love you Shane. Just sayin'.


Uh. I dunno what to say. Erm.

I guess Ill post this.
I dunno.


I haven't posted in a while.
Tired. Busy.
I'll see if I can post the day after tomorrow to talk about the game.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Happy Once More

Jajaja. I'm happy again. My friends' wit and our inside jokes (plus boyfriend's "be happy!" encouragement)has healed me!
So now we're pretty much back to where we started.
I'm laying on my bed while Shira and Savvy play Guitar Hero and Lily cuddles with Bri child.
I love nights like these where we all talk about people we think are bitches and inside jokes.
Jesus, there are a lot of inside jokes. Forreal.

What am I doing right now at this very moment? Talking about some girl I've never heard of (Kiki Palmer) being a Disney princess and listening to Shira und Savvy yell, "Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot!" for no apparent reason.
Good times.
I dun even know what I'm talking about anymore. It's 11:59.
Good morning. I hope your day is nice!
I hope I can go to boyfriend's house today. Mother said she might not be able to take me..

Don't call the old man.

Dot dot dot dot dot dot.

Shenanigans and Bull, Part tres.

Well this is part three, hombres.

I forgot what I was gonna say. Lol.
Oh well.

Hey, you. I love you. More than anything. Even Asians. That's a lot of love right there.

Shenanigans and Bull, Part two.

So I feel bad; Physically and emotionally.
Physically? Headache and tummy ache.
Emotionally? I feel mentally exhausted and washed out. Who knows why. Today was pretty good. I got to spend time with close friends. They're still here but I feel too shitty to engage in conversation; I'm not the best host today. Atleast I fed them.
Jesus tears, did I feed them. There's 7 plates, two pizza boxes and two gallons of ice-cream here.

Certain people drain me a lot. I don't give a fuck if you talk to me about your problems, but if you can switch from talking to me about them to perverted flirting then you can deal with them by yourself. I'm not gonna mention this persons name even though he doesn't read my blog. He's pissing me off. I don't care. Don't call me your sister; Friends like Josh are my brothers. You're an asshole. I'm never going to give you any "magic kisses" in "certain places" so you can go suck my nonexistent dick. It doesn't matter if you're kidding; you kid too much. No offense but no wonder your girlfriend left you. I hate how you talk shit about my friends just because one didn't want to date you anymore and one didn't want to date your friend. Atleast they aren't two faced. I can't believe I talk to you.

Anyway. I think this post is going to be in three parts.

Shenanigans and Bull, Part One.

So I'm laying on my bed while Savanah and Shira are playing Guitar Hero and Lily is snuggling with Bri-child.
Today's been pretty good. Even this morning was good.
What happened this morning, you may ask?
Boyfriend called me at about three in the morning. I fell asleep pretty soon after though.

The girls showed up at my house a few hours ago. We've been messing around and talking about the usual shit; Stalkers, sexuality and anime. Oh yeah, still not really sure of what I am but it doesn't really matter since I'm with Boyfriend. I less than tres him.
Earlier when I was texting him I sent him 'Youre the best butterfly ever' instead of 'you're the best boyfriend'. Smooth, right? I was listening to my friends talk about butterflies; It just kinda happened, ya know? Haha.


So it's 9:49 now. I'm going to break this post into segments cause I'm on my iPod and it's being annoying.

Friday, August 5, 2011

I Dream In Dubstep

Ha. Haha.
I didn't get to go to Boyfriend's house.
I did get to go to the restaurant a bit ago though! We were going truck shopping in Atmore and I was like, "Hey, you know what's totally close to Atmore? Bay Minette.". We got there a half hour after it closed, but because Boyfriend and his family are totally awesome they still let us eat.

Hey, guess what. No, guess again. No, that is not the answer. Damn; I though I was bad at guessing games.
I'll tell you what; I might/should/better be going to Boyfriend's house Sunday to go swimming.


Yesterday, I went to Davidson way earlier than when band camp started.
Why? I was there because a bunch of people were gonna watch horror movies in the audi.
I brought 'The Grudge 2'. Unfortunately, I was the only one to actually bring a movie.
Also unfortunately, my movie was brutalised by Tyler on several occasions.

First occasion-

Tyler: What movie did you bring?
Me: **Hands Tyler the case**
Tyler: **Throws the case on the floor and yells**
Me: What the flying fuck?
Tyler: It looks scary!

Second occasion:

Tyler: **Grabs the case out of my hands to see how long the movie is**
Me: Heyyy; Give that back.
Tyler: **Starts running down the hallway**
Me: **Runs after Tyler**
Tyler: **Starts running backwards**
Me: You're about to hit a table.
Tyler: **Looks behind him just in time to slam the case against the table**

And those are the only occasions I remember. So anyhow, we all (Me, Meorgan, Zach, Tyler, Thomas, Et cetera) went up to the booth to play the movie. That's when things began going wrong.
We couldn't get the movie to play. The peoples plugged up the TV to different cords and such and ultimately failed.
We never ended up watching the movie.
We did have fun though! Well Tyler had to go to drum line practice, but I'm sure he had a lovely time there. :3


Since we had nothing better to do yesterday, Meorgan and I had Zach put on strobe lights so we could get up on stage and dance to music. Have you tried dancing to Kesha? It's difficult.
Hence, we yelled at Zach to put on some dubstep.
I honestly love Thomas. He gave us dubstep music to dance to. Score.

So Meorgan and I let our hair down and raved.
Twas a fun time.


When Shane got out of practice for lunch, we played Murder in the dark (It's this game that's basically hide and seek....but in the dark). It was fun.
Zach scared the shit out of me though. Zach, Shane and I were in the blue room playing and I was in the loft thing looking around when Zach jumped out at me and screamed. I was holding his phone for a light so when he scared me I dropped it, haha.
I want to play that game again. For real.


Zach is mad at me.
I pissed him off. That makes me sad. I hope he forgives me.
Sad face.


Tomorrow Shiira, Lily, and Bri child are coming over to spend the night to celebrate Lily being back in Mobile. She's only going to be here for about 18 days though.
I'm going to buy some ice cream and everything.
I haven't seen Lily in a month!


Ahhhhh. I might start belly dancing classes in the Spring with Sissy.
I dunno if I will or not.


Feeling okay, I guess.


Post? <3

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Triangle, Button und Garbage Can


Once upon a time there were three Korean foreign exchange students perusing around America with the names Triangle, Button and Garbage Can. They also have a Vietnamese homosexual friend named Damon. Damon, Triangle, Button and Garbage Can enjoyed calling their acquaintance Mello to annoy and distress him. They also liked talking about Yaoi.
It was funny. I would know. I'm Triangle.

I just noticed that Shira had commented on a post a long long time ago telling me to tell people about this, but I didn't really know what there was to tell.

The end.
Das ende.
Sự kết thúc. (I think that's how you spell that?)

~Insider~If You Don't Understand Don't Read Because You'll Think I'm Stuuupid~If You Do Understand Don't Read This Because You'll Think I'm Stuuupid~

Touching children and other such things

I have decided that I am going to get back in touch with my inner child (the one that was obsessed with boxes. No really, for about three years I was utterly in love with boxes. I even slept inside of one).
I'm going to create an organisation called ILB; This handy dandy acronym stands for the international lovers of boxes, or I Love Boxes.

I shall be the first member. My goal is to get at least two other box lovers to join. They get bonus points if they're hobos.


Lily is coming back to Mobile in five days!
I might be able to meet her at the airport since none of our friends can (Lololol, their band camp just started). On the other hand, I believe its going to be a Thursday when she comes back so I might have a band rehearsal. Fail narwhals.
We're going to have a party when she shows her face in Bama once more. It wont be just any party though; It shall be an amazing party! We might even have food at this one.


I haven't been to a Library in the longest time. I think the last time I went was to find a book about Elisabeth Bathory/Erzebet Bathory for a research paper. Do not ever pick that damned-in-hell woman for a project. Ever ever ever. You will not be able to find a book about her (Especially a nonfiction one) to be able to write even a paragraph about the subject. Thank Buddha for the Internet. I would have had no idea about what to say about her if not for the many websites/ Internet shrines dedicated to her.
For people who don't know who she is, she was Hungarian royalty way back in the 1500s whose pre-tea-time hobby was torturing young girls through various methods before bathing in their blood to retain her youthfulness.
I got a C on that paper, just because I didn't have any book sources.

Anyhow, I have the desire to go to a library. I've read all of my books and Walmart doesn't have the best selection when it comes to the literary element.


The past few days the only music I've listened to has been dubstep. My brain exploded a long time ago.

Somewhat related to this:
What's my favorite thing in the world that starts with 'S' and ends with 'EX'?
I love that band.

When I get older, I want my future son to be as talented as Sonny. Boyfriend isn't going to lock him in a cage outside, and I'm going to feed it. I pinky promise. Hopefully the gods just heard/read that and grant my future son the talent.

Zach likes Iris. Iris likes Zach.
WHOA. (Update: So...yeah...she doesn't like him....cough cough...)
He invited her to go to the auditorium-horror-movie thing.
Oh yes, on Tuesday peoples are going to Davidson early to go watch a horror movie in the auditorium. Zach wants me to go rent The Grudge because I already own The Grudge 2 and something something about watching the sequel Thursday. What is this I don't even.


Mother started a conversation with dad about me dating Boyfriend.

M: You know Briana has a boyfriend now.
D: Really? Who?
M: He's white.
D: Oh okay.
M: His name is Shane. His dad is a teacher.
D: Well that's nice. She's not allowed to date until she's 17.
M: First of all, it's 16. Second of all, I know.
D: Good.
M: She has a boyfriend now.
D: Whats for dinner?


Today while looking around a blog I discovered through means I shall not reveal I came across a song.
It's not just any song. It's a song I really like.

It's by a girl named Shela. I think its called 'Strolling Along' or something similar. The video doesn't have that many views so I think ya'll should go look at it.


Jesse and I discussed music the other day. Basically, he had me listen to songs he liked and I made him listen to my music. We disagreed.

Jesse's music: Feathery, feel-good on the inside, weed music.

My music: Not that stuff..



I may or may not be going to Boyfriend's house tomorrow.

I'm going to go and find entertainment!


Write anything. Pwease?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

These Past Few Weeks


This was the day band-camp started. It was actually really fun, aside from the horrible sunburn I got.
Lunch was awesome.
After band-camp I went to a movie with Boyfriend. We saw that Zookeeper movie. It was pretty good.


I had band-camp again.
Lunch with peeps as usual.


I had band-camp again.
Lunch with peeps as usual.


I had band-camp of course.
I almost passed out because I apparently overheated. Mishka helped me and stuffs. :D
Then she called my mom and told her to come get me.
This happened right before lunch so I had lunch with Boyfriend and Meorgan. Actually Mishka had to go find Shane and bring him to me because he didn't know what happened or where I was. Lol
He brought me poptarts and we ate them. <3
Right when lunch ended my mom showed up and I went home and slept. I was supposed to stay the night with Meorgan but of course since I went home early I couldn't.


Shane's dad's restaurant opened so Shane didn't go to band-camp. What made it worse was that Morgan didn't go to band camp either so I was almost alone.
When I walked out of the band room at the beginning of lunch Jesse started yelling my name and he invited me to go with him and some people to Micky D's. I had to bum some money off of him to buy a coke though, but I brought my own fried chicken so it was all good. It was a bit awkward though because for a while I was sitting by myself. Then people migrated to the table I was sitting at. Yay.


I drove for three hours with several members of my family to Louisiana for my cousin's fifth birthday party.
Then we sat in chairs for three hours. Then we drove for five hours to get back home.


I was supposed to go to Shane's dad's restaurant, but my mom decided that cleaning was a better use of my time. Sad face.


I had warrior camp from 8 to 2 and then band camp from 1 to 5. Warrior camp was okay-ish; I wasn't too fond of it, ya know?
Lunch was fun.


This day was amazing. I was supposed to go to warrior camp from 8 to 12, but I'm a bad child so instead of going I just went to the tennis courts with Boyfriend.
Well, I didn't go straight to the tennis courts. See what had happened was, when I got there Shane wasn't there and I didn't want to walk to the tennis courts by myself and plus my mom was watching to make sure I was going to the auditorium so I went with Zach into the top part of the auditorium (that I don't know the name of) with Zach and Ledera and people. Then Shane texted me that he was in the back of the auditorium so I acted like an autistic person (shut up...:3) and walked to the back of the auditorium....on the inside. Basically I was supposed to go on the outside. Sigh.
So I got to hang out with Boyfriend for hours. And at lunchtime we ordered a pizza. I can't believe that Domino's does curbside deliveries to Davidson. Maybe that's just the amazed Irvington dweller inside of me.

After band camp Guard went on the Ocean Springs trip.
Where: Ocean Springs, Mississippi.
Who: Guard only, unfortunately; I think drum line was supposed to go but they weren't organised or something.
When: Yesterday from four something (bus ride there), six something to ten or eleven something (the actual show), and ten or eleven to eleven something (bus ride home).
Why? To see drum corps! It was amazing. The crusaders, the Blue devils (Shane and Tyler were so jealous that I got to see them), the cult, etc, were there.


Today we had registration first thing in the morning. W00t.
I signed up for FBLA, which will be cool. Oh; I also got my schedule. I have first lunch wave. I really wanted second. Oh well.
Van was at registration. Shane texted me that he was standing by the doors and I was like, "Hrm.".
We didn't talk or anything. Later though when Morgan and I were walking down a hallway he was passing he stopped and ran over and gave Morgan a hug; He waved to me, said Hi and gave me a high five. I dunno what I was expecting to happen.

After registration I went with Morgan and Zach to the upstairs part of the auditorium and then just walked around with Morgan (plus random people). She tried to teach me how to play trumpet and I tried to teach her different flag tosses. Suddeth and Thomas showed off their skills with the trumpet too.
Want to know what's amazingly fun? Hide & side in the auditorium with all of the lights off and music blaring. Morgan and I and a hell of a lot of other people did this. It was great.

Shane and I got to hang out at lunch. <3


Thursday was a pretty awesome day. Band had to take pictures which took way longer than I expected it to.
I had to wear a dress which wasn't very fun, but atleast I didn't have to go dress shopping; I recycled my honors day dress. I felt retarded though because someone told me that we weren't going to be wearing shoes in the picture so I wore sneakers and when I got to DHS Guard was wearing dress shoes.
Soon enough though I was able to change and go walking around with Boyfriend. It started raining but it wasn't too bad.
Yesterday I forgot my lunch so I thought I was going to starve..but I didn't! When Boyfriend and I were walking into the bathroom Zach and Rod walked by talking aboutabout going to Micky d's so we asked if we could go too. Unfortunately we had to sit in the back of the truck; It started pouring then. So basically I got my chicken nuggets in exchange for the dryness of my clothes.
Morgan spent the night with me. It twas fun.


This was the last day of band camp!!! Score!
Instead of being the usual 1-5 deal it was 8-12, which was pretty cool. Since I wasn't going to get a lunch break to hang out with Boyfriend I asked a favor from Morgan to have her grandma pick us up at one. Oh yeah, my mom was working yesterday so I was going home with Morgan. Sarah told her grandma to pick us up at twelve though...
We ate ramen and corndogs and fooled around on omegle at their house.


I fell asleep last night before I could write this last paragraph and post it. I've been working on this post for the last two or so weeks.

This hasnt been the best morning. I woke up from a nightmare, my friend is sad because of problems and I'm hungry.

I'm still pretty happy though....:D

Anyhow. Im going to finally post this.

Psst. Hey. Hey you. Hi. You need to post one too. Please? <3

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Mall, Band Camp, and Animal Farm.

I'm only writing this because Shane wants me too. Otherwise I would probably put it off for a few more days.
I do that a lot if you notice. It's not like I dislike blogging or anything, it's just that I'm quite lazy. Oh, and I'm a procrastinater.


My parents are still watching Mcleod's Daughters. It doesnt even have a feasable plot anymore, in my opinion.
Though seriously, the only time I do not hear that show on the tv is after my parents go to sleep. This is a magical time when I get to watch tv. It's usually from midnight on.
Yes, there's a reason why I don't wake up before 2:30 pm.
It's called Netflix.


Kari told me to try out for a web show some people are making. I have no idea what I would do.
If I go I'll probably just go for the backstage work.
I don't really have any talents, as far as the performing arts go.
I can't sing or play an instrument or anything. I can dance but probably not well, plus I can't choreograph worth anything.
So, I'm not quite sure if I want to go or not.
The try-outs are at the library this Wednesday. I guess I have until then to figure it out.


Speaking of Wednesday, I'm hopefully going to be able to go to the mall with Boyfriend after try-out-whatever-the-hells. We haven't seen each other in over a month.
I want to go somewhere with Lauren soon. We haven't gone anywhere this summer. Oh, and Maddy too. Also: Sterling.
Basically, I want to go somewhere with the people that I haven't done anything with this summer.


I went to the mall with Boyfriend Thursday. I didn't go to the audition things.
It was cool because it was on our mensiversary.
Five months, babeh. That's right. I forgot to upload the pictures I took though. I think I lost the cord I use to hook my Ipod up to the computer actually. -,- I FINALLY got one of Boyfriend and I. We literally havent had a picture with both of us in it before.
Boone McGuylashes went too. We all spent a lot of time in Spencers.
Shane got an Avenged Sevenfold poster there.
They have a lot of...interesting things in Spencers. Like Boob cake-molds and blow-up dolls. There was one blow-up doll that was called Fatty Patty. It reminded me that I had yet to buy my friend Cameron a Christmas present and his birthday is coming up. Wink wink.
I'm hoping that I can go see the 7th HP movie with Boyfriend tomorrow. It would make an awesome end to an awesome week.


Band camp starts on Monday. It's nine hours each day.
I'm not really looking forward to it.
On the other hand, I'm looking forward to the lunch hour. I get to see Boyfriend and I'm planning on walking to Pammy's house since she lives so close to Davidson. It'll be nice to see her and my other-mother.


I have to read Animal Farm and Old Man by the Sea over the summer. I love the book Animal Farm but I dunno about the other one.
I've heard it's really boring. Atleast both of the books are really short. I'll be able to read them in a few hours if I can resist being bored. I like to read but some books just sort of suck.


I'm going to go read or something.
Mazel tov!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Marshmellows, Party, and Potato Salad

Who got their computer fixed? I got my computer fixed! Actually, it isn't "fixed" per dad brought an old cpu home from his office and gave it to me. So in retrospect I just got a new one.
I stayed up intil 2:33 AM installing updates and security software.
I am satisfied.
Things left to do on my computer: Install the seven Sims 2 expansion packs I own along with the original game, install Osu, install all of my other software. I have my work cut out for me. I'm a bit concerned about the Sims 2 dilemna. To install a Sims game you must have an activation key thing-a-mah-jiggy which I may or may not have.
Even if I do have it, it may not let me install it.
I hope I don't have to go Huangdi (Also known as: Utter badass) on it.


I had an anxiety attack last night. At first I swore I thought I was having a heart attack. I had a bunch of the symptoms but apparently a lot of the symptoms are the same.
It's not a very good thing to happen at three in the morning.
I slept well after it though.


Happy July 4th everyone! I hope you had a good independance day!
I didn't have an overly good one; I didn't have a super bad one either. We didn't really do anything today actually.
The most festive thing we did was to eat potato salad. There's a long standing tradition in my family to eat potato salad on special occasions.
My niece Sara texted me a few hours ago and asked if she could come over and shoot bottle rockets. We made plans; Tomorrow we're going to swing by her house to pick her up then she's going to stay the night.


I haven't really been able to talk to Boyfriend much today. I need to make some plans with him soon because I really miss him.
He's great, ya know. I can't wait to see him again. I haven't seen him since 'Nam. Lol-Lame-Joke.
It's been a few weeks actually. Well, lets not let it become too long; That would suck.


I get to have a party some time next week or the end of this week. All of my friends are invited.
I think I'm going to politely ask (BRIBE) Sheila into coming early and helping me. I know if I ask her very very nicely (GIVE HER CAKE AND MONEY) that she'll consider.
I think I'm going to have  bonfire-ish party. Like my birthday party last year, but not.
I'm only slightly thinking about the guest list. Mother dear didn't give me a limit, but I'm still not sure who classifies as a friend or not. I mean that for the people I'm acquaintances with but I don't know very well.
It doesn't matter that much; I mean, the party will be fun with my close friends either way.


W00t. It's the 5th now.
I stayed up until 4:45 AM to watch Zombieland and Kick-ass (Awesome movies), before realising I had to get up at 5 AM. Good job, Briana, good job.
Then I got some shots at the doctors office and picked up Sara.

Oh, and I introduced my parents to the wonder that is Starbucks. I bought them frappecinos for them to taste since neither have had one before.
Yeah..they utterly hated it. I guess I'm alone once more in my love for the frozen beverage.
Things You Should Watch In The Early Morning

This last video reminds me of a certain phone call between Button, Trashcan, Mello and I.
Me: "Hey...Hey Mello!....Hey!"
Me: "Do you like marshmellows?"
Mello: "I've already answered that question five times. -.-"

I love you.

"Oh my god our whole week is set!"
"Yay I'm awesooo-"
"And, into the ravine!"

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Teenaged Angst

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Viruses Have Fucked Me Over For The Last Time

Hello ladies and gents. Tonight's post will not be very long due to the fact that I'm typing it up on my iPod.
Why am I typing it on my iPod, you ask?
My computer has contracted (another) virus. It turns all of my files hidden, my screen black and my computer virtually unusable. Good times. My computer programer mother refuses to fix it or let me use one of her computers. Oh well.
Today was a semi-interesting day. It was one of those I'm-gonna-wear-sweats-and-a-baggy-shirt-today-cause-I-can-OH-FUUU-I-HAVE-TO-GO-TO-WALMART-IN-THESE-CLOTHES-AHHHH kind of days. You know what I mean? Yes, you do.
I discovered something today. Neither I nor my mother can work the self checkout machines at Walmart. How did I discover this? Cold hard (That's not what she said you immature twit) experience.
I got to witness mother-dear curse out the machine (along with myself and a few employees) for about ten minutes.
I bought sushi rice at Walmart. (I DO NOT HAVE YELLOW FEVER. STOP SAYING THAT.).
I'm going to eat it for lunch tomorrow. I found a good onigiri recipe online so if I have time to stop by Pakse Asian Market before lunch to get some seaweed strips I shall make some.
Well I must go and do unimportant things- WHO SAID THAT?! I do very important things. Bye ye! <3

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nothing To Say, My Apologies.

I apologize for the late posting. I'm a convicted lazy person, plus when I'm not being lazy I'm off somewhere doing something interesting.


I cannot remember even a tad. It was probably full of cleaning chemicals and getting ready for the next day.


Sheila came over around noon. We partook in some shenanigans until Lily and Brianna came over. We watched the first few minutes of a movie called 'Chocolate'. It's a really good Thai movie that you can watch on Netflix.
Later we made ice cream sundaes. Then we discovered the food coloring.
Being the spaztic crazies we are, we all ended up with different colored ice cream. Mine was supposed to be red, but it ended up pink. Nonetheless, it was delicious.
Lily had to leave around nine, but Sheila and Bri stayed the night.
After our blood sugar had gone down a bit (Ha, scratch that. I think we got a bit more hyper in actuality) we decided to prank call people. We're immature; Hence, this is normal.
We prank called my friend Web. Brianna pretended to be a gay male named Damon who wanted to "talk" to Web. It was utterly hilarious. Web himself said that it was the best prank call he had experienced in a while.
Thus, the character of Damon was born. Brianna is quite fond of drawing him with cat ears.

I labelled it 'cause I was bored. This was drawn by my friend Brianna.
DA account name: Nyuu~Nyuu~Desu, I think. (BLATANT PROMOTION)

Again, drawn by Brianna.
Damon isn't always a cat person by the way. At least, I don't think he is.


Sheila had to go home early-ish, leaving Brianna and me alone. It was a sad time. I'm kidding, of course; Though we missed Sheila, we watched 'Fooly Cooly' and were giggley.
I'm in love with 'Fooly Cooly'. It is amazing. I have the desire to cosplay as Haruko.


I don't really remember much after that. It's been a while since I've worked on this post.
I stayed the night with Lily last night.
We went swimming.
I'm sorry I don't have much to talk about.


I had an er..interesting conversation with my mother before dinner.

Me: Hey mom, where's the food?

Mom: Up yours.

Sissy: Oh my god, mama. xD

Me: Okaaay then.. o.o

Mom: Oh my...I didn't mean to say that.

After that we ate microwavable chicken and talked about California, how German people are supposedly obnoxious and how to properly microwave something.


There's this band. It's called 'Porcelain and the Tramps'.
It's pretty cool.


This is a slow-blog-day for me. I can't seem to get my thoughts together to write properly.
I'll try to write a better blog later. Maybe.
I want to call Boyfriend, but I have to finish this first. Boyfriend is really good to me.

Ha. I did call him. Anyhow.


There's this website.
It's pretty amazing.


I'm going to post now.
I don't know what else to write.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Nipples, Doodles, and Lip Rings


This issss SPARTA-wait, what the hell?
Who said that?
Ahem. This is the 50th post.
Here's the surprise nao:

It doesn't have very good quality. I made it entirely on my Ipod with a free app called Splice (<--Blatant free promotion. PAY ME, just kidding. It is a nice app though, despite loading times).
It's kind of sad that it took me a while to find some happy songs on my Ipod to put in the video. I probably did something wrong because the first song starts after the first video clip..though I'm oersonally sort of happy with the way it turned out.
If your picture is in it and you didn't want it to be, I'm sorry. I didn't have that many pictures to choose from on my Ipod so I did what I could.
Thinking about it, I exxagerated the time span the pictures would be from. I've only had my Ipod since Christmas so it's more like 'pictures from the past six months'.
I honestly hope that it comes across to you all the way I want it to.
If it doesnt show up, my computer sucks.


I became a bit 'mentally unoccupied' (Fancy schmancy way of being bored) last night. The things I do when I become mentally unoccupied aren't usually intelligent.

Anyhow. So, Mister or Miss Average Reader (Or...Mriss, I mean, I don't judge.), guess what I did.

If you were thinking, "Well Briana, I'm quite sure you did something productive." then you aren't really an average reader and have just stumbled across my blog. You obviously dont know me very well.
If you were thinking, "Well Briana, I'm quite sure you googled the term 'nipples'." then you're kind of weird. You obviously have psychic abilities because that's exactly what I did!

I found two websites that amused me.

-First Website-

Did you know there's such a think as "nipple enhancement"? There is.
I screencapped a bunch of stuff from that website. They made so many puns...I was about to die.

"Crafted to produce just the right amount of perkiness"
"The possibilities are endless"
These are real quotes from this.

Apparently guys love nipples.
I was pretty sure they liked nipples with boobs attached but no biggy.

I shit you not. This website sells silicone nipples you put on top of your own, to "enhance" them.
Oh, and if you're black? Dont worry.

Take notice that the buttons you press to change the page resemble nipples.

I love how they advertise this. Want to know how I would advertise it?
Just imagine.
You're watching a sports game of some sort, or Inuyasha reruns (Face it, what Inuyasha episode isn't a rerun?).
Then the screen goes black and Emma Stone steps out in a baggy t-shirt and sweatpants.
She then says, "Not enough nipple? Get Bodyperks or die alone, because men love nipples!". Then the screen flashes and she's seen surrounded by guys, wearing an italien something or other.
This is why I'm never getting a job in marketing.

-Second Website-

Well the first website I talked about is for people without enough nipple. This website is for people with too many nipples!

That's right. It's a website dedicated to people with third nipples.

I give my upmost respect to the creater(s).
This is the first page of the website.

It has a helpful table of contents, featured here:

I liked the statistics page:

I'm one of the 3% who know someone with a third nipple. I'm proud of myself because I'm one of the 2% who didn't make fun of the tripple-nippler to impress a girl (or a guy for that matter).
It was a girl on my bus. Her name is Cameron.
She's proud of her triple nipple.

I advise you all to go visit the website at

Favorite thing about this website: They use the phrase "triple-nipple-iscous".


I'm considering getting my hair cut again. I just can't deal with it.
I'm just too much of a lazy person to style it. I might get three or four inches off and keep the same style. On the other hand, maybe I wont.
I'm not really sure about anything as of yet.


My phone died when I was talking to Boyfriend.
I see the entire ordeal like this:

Disclaimer- I don't own Akita Neru nor do I own the rage face meme.

That comic took a surprisingly long time to make. Maybe I'm just slow.
Oh well..
I hope he forgives me and junk.


Today, I made a fake lip piercing. I found out how from an article on the internet.
I had to make some alterations to the how-to-do bit though.

How does it look?
Natural? Realistic, perhaps?
You can't blame a girl for hoping.

I'm going to give a tutorial on how to make these, since I lost the Url to the article and a few of my friends were interested.

How To Make Fake Lip Rings (Because You're Poor Or Overprotected)

Things you'll need:
A spiral notebook you don't care about
Nail clippers or scissors (Nail clippers worked well for me)
A pen

Rip or cut the spiral-y part of the notebook out
Cut a circlular piece of the spiral off
Shape around a pen to make it smaller (It will most likely be too big if you leave it)
Try it on

Since it's a fake piercing it isn't supposed to actually go through your skin so this method should be good for everyone, unless you have some sort of metal allergy or super sensitive skin.
Try not to cut yourself when you're putting it on/ moving it. Oh, and make sure the opening is wide enough. The ring shouldn't be closed. Mine looks like half of it was cut off but it doesn't fall off or anything. I guess the size of the opening depends on the size of your lips. Also depending on the size of the opening, you can make nose or ear rings.
Those are nice.
A way to make these better quality is supposedly to go to a craft store and buy some magnets. (Magnets, how do they work?). You super glue one tiny magnet to one edge and another to the other. It would probably make it more comfortable for the wearer and make it easier to keep track of the ring.
The end.

I'm not very into this crafty stuff. Mainly because I never seem to have the materials required.
I can make these though, since I have dozens and dozens of notebooks. I didn't actually have to rip the spiral all of the way out. I just ripped out two inches or so and then cut it. I only made a ring or two so I have a bunch of it left.


I found a little doodle I made on Microsoft Paint (Okay, that's the only thing I ever draw on. Still.) a while back. I think it's adorable.

Low pic quality + Low artistic quality + Cute = Shut up it's cute 
Obviously it's of Boyfriend and me.
I don't know when I made it though.


My face is sleepy. Bpm is being herself.
I must say farewell~

Happy fathers day.
Goodnight/ Good morning.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Peaches, Two Days, and Toast

Dear Alamaar Anderson,
I despise you and your Brazilion-ness. You made me confused and angry.
You sir, need to go eat some expired yogurt. Grr.
Sincerely, Bri.

Cicco you bastard.
I understand that I woke you up, but garsh.
You have to convince me that Im really texting some guy in Brazil who has the same number as you?
Oh well.
You got your revenge.


Hey guess what?
(Wait for it)

(Wait for it some more)

(Alright, just a little bit longer..)

This is my 49th post!! This means, ladies and gentlemen, that my 50th post is just around the corner. I have a little surprise.
I probably just jinxed myself.
If I have a 5oth post without mentioning the surprise I forgot about it and I should be ashamed of myself.


I was eating toast this morning when Mello became interested.

He fell in love with the toasty goodness and wanted some.

I wonder if anyone will notice that the time jumps from 5:47 AM to 3:47 AM...

Implied racial slurs were added in.

Toast and Mello lived happily ever after.
The end.

That was my fairy tale of the day.


I found a picture of a conversation I had with Josh a while back.

It made me giggle.
Also, it made me realise that Web has a ridiculously large reputation.

Hahaha, chesticles.


Guess what is in two days?

It's my birthday!
Just kidding.

Average reader: Well then Bri, what IS in two days?

My reply: Well average reader, since you're so curious I believe I must tell you. Its a very important day for me. I've been waiting for it for a while now.
Yeah. That's right.
It's going to be Tuesday. :)
Just kidding.
Actually yes, it is going to be a Tuesday. But that isnt what Im excited about.

Hint: Starts with: four, ends with: months of horror for Boyfriend.

Yup thats right. Boyfriend and I will have been together for four months in two days.

If you're anything short of happy because I made a big deal out of this, then go eat some expired yogurt.
Ahaha. Just kidding. That would be bad for your digestion.
Anyhow, it doesnt sound like it's a lot but it's a lot to us. Especially me. He's put up with me for so long, ya know?
It's amazing. He should get a congratulatory trophy or something. Maybe a plaque of commemoration of some sort.
Well, he has a plaque of commemoration in my heart if that counts. x3


I have a new life goal.
I shall write down ALL of the song lyrics to the nyan cat song. I shall attempt this feat not to become a better person.
I will attempt this feat to become a better nyan cat.


I drew a picture for/of Sheila today because I got bored.
It's not colored and it sucks.

I'm not very good at doing chibis so I had to google how to draw the bodies.
Oh weeeell.


I got a new puppy. Her name is Peaches. She's fat, adorable and fluffy.


Well, I must abid you all ado.


Saturday, June 11, 2011

I May Not Be Through


I got my internet connection back....yesterday, I believe.
I'm horrible with dates though so..don't rely on that. But it might be true!


There comes a time in a girl's life where a text not ment for you gets sent to you anyway.
It is a very awkward time and I am planning to write a book about it and attend a seminar for advice.

Step 1: Identify the sender

         Ex: Gabe A.

Step 2: Read the text

         Ex: "You're very naughty tonight.  Maybe you need a good spanking. ;) "

Step 3: Refrain from calling the police
        Ex: Don't f@cking call the police

Step 4: Read the sender's whiplash text

        Ex: "Oh my god, that wasn't supposed to be sent to you. Im so sorry!"

Step 5: Reply to the sender's apology text with one of the following emoticons - O.O , o.o, O.o, -.-, T.T, x.x, et cetera and possibly an acronym of some sort.

       Ex: "Um....o.O Wtf?"

Step 6: Put your cellular device down, laugh your ass off, and vow to have a section of your blog post dedicated to it the next day.

       Ex: All of the above

Moral of the story: If you're texting more than one person, especially if you want to send something innapropriate, make sure you send the text to the right person.


For the past month or so, I've been trying to get Boyfriend to become a bronie.

Bronie/ Brony- A hardcore, heterosexual male fan of "My little Pony, friendship is magic"

He doesnt agree.
I think he's coming around though.

I've started to affectionately call him 'Bronie'.
I've also started to sing the theme song (I looked it up. Thank you, Youtube.) when we're on the phone.

Possibly The Bane Of Shane's Existence. Or maybe not.

UPDATE: Shane changed his nickname on Facebook to Bronie. He's more amazing than I thought.


 Speaking of Facebook, have you ever forgotten about an event you RSVP'd to?
Have you ever looked at your events and uttered, "Wtf?".
I have.

...I guess Monday is going to be interesting.


There's this guy on Facebook who's annoying me.
He's a friend of Cicco's (NO WAI).

He started off a conversation with:
"I know a secret I really should not know but it tells me one thing, you're a little ho. The secrets I know probably are no longer valid but it never ceases to amuse. If you dont know, I do."

This annoyed me for several reasons.
1- When people give me attitude, I get tempted to give attitude back.
2- He doesn't know me.
3- He made a slant rhyme.
4- He's continually messaged me after that. Yeah. He's a prick.

Then he called my friend Sage (apparently he knows her) ugly.
And then called me uglier.


This boy is on my bad list now.


UPDATE: Oh, nevermind. It was just Romello. He's still a dick. xP Haha.


I'm really happy today.
I went to a movie with Shane.
He's freakin awesome.


Lauren, I think you'll like that one ^

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Only Because You Did One

I apologize for my lack of postage. Mrs Bpm took away my internet connection (on my computer) and I can't really write a formal post on my iPod sooooo.

I guess I'll say a -little-. It'S not gonnA be some huge Vigorous updatE on My lifE or anything.
In case you were like, "Wtf?" with all of my unnecessary upper-casing in the last sentence, I made a secret message regarding how I feel about being stuck at home.

Here are some random thoughts:
1: I had color guard "camp" today. It was cool.

2: Boyfriend is freaking awesome.

3: So many people have asked me if I'm going to this girl Casie's birthday party Friday it's ridiculous. I don't really care that I'm not invited. Like forreal, I barely know the Girl. xD I was just mentioning it. Ferdinand told me that she's afraid of me or doesn't like mr or something because she thinks I'm gay or bi. Ahahaha. I'm not gay, of course. I dunno if I'm bi. I mean, technically I dated Ashley for about two weeks but I don't know. I like boys but cha know. *shrug*

4: I'm bored.

5: This guy Ricardo likes Lily. She doesn't like him back. He needs to take a hint. No offense. I'm sure he's a nice boy, but still. She already has to move to Washington, he doesn't have to make drama beforehand ( or afterwards for that matter).
I don't know.

6: I lurve you all.

Well I guess that's all I can stand to type on my iPod.
Love ya's.

Have a fun summer!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Long Week, Empty Calendar

It's been a little while since I've posted.
My apologies.

I don't really remember what I did Monday so I'll outline Tuesday and yesterday first.


After all of our gym exercising, we did marching basics in a hot field for a few hours.
I believe I died a few times.
Water is my new right-hand-man.
Sorry coke/ koolaid/ donuts.
I love you no longer. (JK I so totally do.)

I went home with Morgan.
Her cousins Sebastian and Tita were there.
Tita scares me. I'm estimating that she's about six. She randomly screams things in 'bunny language'.
It's quite adorable. So she's adorable-scary. xD
On the plus side, she randomly walked into the room that we were watching 'Hot to train your dragon' with a bunny in a basket.
A bunny. In. A. F-ing. Basket.
We played with it. It was amazing. Then Morgan sent a picture of it to Tyler so he started bothering Natalie about bras.

[Logic:  Tyler wants Morgan to smuggle the bunny out of her house, and to Davidson probably so he can play with it and so it can be the "band bunny".
Aka: He believes that using Natalie's bra as transportation is the only way.
Seeing how this was obviously a good idea, I spammed her phone with texts requesting one for Tyler's cause.
She didn't agree. D: ]

Then Morgan and I tried to play MW2 but the headset was fucking up.
Then her mom wanted to watch 'Harry Potter' on that TV so we had to set the ps3 up in Jacob's (her brother) room.
I don't think we ever actually got it set up. Lol
Tyler and Shane called us and we had a conference call.
It was cool enough.

Gosh, I hate how tired I get. I'm ALWAYS tired.
Last summer I was able to stay up every night until 6 AM with no problem of waking up at 10 but now...
I can barely make it to 11.
I'm considering energy drinks.
Shane says he stole a 5-hour-energy once and it tasted nasty.
So, **shrug**.

I woke up an hour or two later and started texting him.
He wanted me to go to sleep and I was like, "Nooo.".
Then I fell asleep again.


When I woke up I got ready and such. Then we left.
I'm probably going to drive like Morgan's mom when I get my license.
Then we stopped by Micky d's.

Then of course all of the usually rookie camp stuffs.
Lunch was different though.
I was gonna go with Tyler and people to get food but he left us.
So Shane saw this guy Aaron and was like, "Can we go with you?"
So we went with Aaron and Rocker to Burger King.
It was cool. I was an ass to Bf as per usual.  Ahaha.

We got back right when color guard was going into the gym so I was almost late.

We got out of flag basics at 2 for freshmen pictures.
We went out to the field and they put us in blocks to see people get pie thrown at them.
The people told us to count down so it was like..
The upperclassmen people had left when we were in blocks and came back with coolers of water balloons and water guns. It was a massacre.
A really really fun massacre.
Boyfriend and I started walking around (People were running around trying to hit someone with water/ to avoid getting hit) talking.
Then when the water balloons started running out, people started taking the ice chests and dumping all of the water on poor, poor victims.
I was one of those victims.

After that, everyone ate watermelon.
Boyfriend and I didn't cause we dislike watermelon.

There was a parent meeting after band camp but it was at 6 (Band camp ends at 3), so Bpm decided we didn't have time to go home.
We went to the mall and I bought new clothes to wear since the ones I HAD been wearing were all wet and junk.

The parent meeting was long.

When I got home I called Boyfriend, but I fell asleep when talking to him again.


Speaking of Boyfriend: He should write a blog post, since I did.
**Nods convincingly**


If I haven't talked to you in a while, you should text/call me. I most likely miss you.


I  hung out with my cousins Miranda and Kayleigh for a while today. Miranda left a little bit after Kayleigh came over though.
Bpm didn't know so when she came to check Kayleigh hid under my bed.
It worked.
Ahaha. Ha.
Gotta love her.
I'm trying to get her to go to Davidson since she has the grades to be in EPIC and I'd be able to take her.
I'd love that so much.


I'm glad things are going well enough with Boyfriend.
I have a bad habit of fucking things up. But we're okay! :D
We had a nice time at the waterballoon/gun fight yesterday.
I lurve him. 'Cause he's awesome and junk.


I've had some drama-ish trouble with some close friends of mine in the close-ish past.
Boyfriend mentioned on his blog that he didn't think they were really friends of mine because of it.
He was kinda right.
On one account, I'm glad our friendship is over. She hurt me a lot and it was good to get distance from her.
On another, I miss her but I understand that she doesn't feel like being labelled close friends or anything. I hope that one day we can become close again, but even if we can't I hope she's happy because she was a great friend.

I love my remaining friends and I hope we always stay in touch and go places.

I know this is a bit late to say, but Ive been so wrapped up in things that I've forgotten to mention it.
If I have mentioned it?
Hush....I'm slow


Have you ever seen a baby platypus?
If yes, go cry quietly in the corner.
If no, don't.

Just kidding, I'm totally going to show you.

They're kind of cute.
A little bit.
I don't own any of these pictures of course.
Morgan and I were curious the other day about them so we went to Google.


I don't really have much to say.
I've been bored recently.
I want to go somewhere.

Guess this post is done

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Believe me

I'm still up because I couldn't sleep like you told me to.
I'm guessing you went to bed or didn't feel like texting me back after that.

Im so so sorry for making this happen tonight.
I'm so sorry.
Believe me...I choose you..
You've always been there for me. WwYou've always been the best boyfriend you could be. I'm sorry that I couldn't be the best girlfriend I could be. I'm going to keep trying, though. I'm still here.
Not just because I've been with you for almost four months already but because you're the best boyfriend I've ever had. I'd like to keep it that way, ya know?

There's just something wrong with me. There's nothing wrong with you. You're great and it's not because you aren't good enough. My feelings for you haven't changed. They're still strong, and are growing stronger by the day. I just..I don't know.
I guess I have issues.
I don't want to say it's because I "couldn't help it" because Im sure I could've..
It just happened. It's not that serious.
I lOve you, and I like him. I havent even known him half as long as I've known you.. I hope you forgive me :/ I love you sooo much.. Text me when you see this

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Fish, Flags and Cats

I have, so far, experienced two whole days of rookie camp.

It hurts.
But it's still pretty cool, lol.

Basically I get to Davidson at 7:45 then I go to the band room where I put my flag in the guard room, hang out, etc.
Then all of the band people walk over to the gym and we do guard exercises.
Then we (guard) go to the dance teachers classroom and do ballet stuff.
Then we have lunch hour.

I hung out with Bf two days in a row!!
It was fun. We ate lunch with Natalie, Adrianna and Boone.
I had bagels.
Mmmmmm, bagels.

Then after lunch on the first day we did flag stuff in the gym, and on the second day we did marching basics in the field for an hour and spent the rest of the time in the gym.

It's actually pretty tiring.


I went to the movies with some friends yesterday after rookie camp.

People = Adrianna, Alex, Tosin, Ferdinand, Maggie, Casie, Alexis, Whitney, more-people-i-don't-remember.

Actual friends = Adrianna, Alex, Tosin, and Ferdinand
(And, I'm not really sure about Alex. Haha.)

I was invited there so I wasn't sure if I could invite Bf, so I kinda didn't...

So anyway, we went to see 'Pirates of the Caribbean 4'. The movie started at 7:30 so it was super late when we got out.

When we went to sit down, Tosin was buying nachos so he was late.
And I mean really late.
I mean, where-the-hell-were-you-nachos-don't-take-that-long-to-be-made kind of late.
So, because I'm a well established ass, when a polite blonde woman walked up to me and asked if the seat located to the left of me was occupied I informed her that I was saving it for my autistic friend.
She was actually quite amused by it.

Because of the weird seating situation (The theater was really narrow for some reason) the entire group of our people took up two rows.
I personally think the seating was weird.
I'll draw a diagram!!

As you may have noticed, circles represent the seats.
I started to run out of room so I squished Maggie and Alex together.
It was already dark when we got into the theater so I couldn't see where Adrianna was. >.<
So I sat on the end by Ferdinand and my autistic friend.

There were some pretty funny moments when I wasn't watching the movie.

There's this one part in the movie where one of those brightly colored poisonous frogs jumps on one of the pirate dudes and I was like, "EW."
and Tosin was like, "What?"
and we had this mini-convo.

Me: I hate frogs-

Tosin: I love frogs-

Me: -they creep me out so much-

Tosin: -they're sexy-

Me: -and they scare me,

Tosin: I made out with one once.

Me: Don't touch me, Tosin. xD

And then, you know, he poked me in the face.

. . .

Anyhow, we all had candy.
Ferdinand had a box of nerds.
Halfway through the movie he was like, "BRIANA OPEN YOUR HAND"
and I was like, "What, why?"
and he was like, "I FEEL FAT. EAT SOME OF THESE NERDS."
So he dumped a huge handful of them into my hands. I don't even like nerds! So I threw them at Tosin.
Then he threw them at Ferdinand.
Then I threw some at both of them.

. . .

At one point in the movie, there are a bunch of mermaids attacking pirates.
Okay yes, I suppose they were attractive but Ferdinand and Tosin were ridiculous.

Ferdinand: Oh my gosh.

Tosin: I would tap that. Would you Ferdinand?

Ferdinand: Uh, yes!

Me: Guys, they're fish. They don't even have vaginas.

Ferdinand: Oh, I would make a hole. :3

Me: ...That's just scary.

**Later in the movie one of the mermaid's tails turns into legs**

Ferdinand: Hey Bri, what did you say about them 'not having vaginas' ?

Tosin: YES

Me: Wow, haha.


Miranda is back in Mobile for a month.

[I know this is random, but I'd like to stick this in here: I still don't have a new, unbroken phone. **sigh**]

She came over for a few minutes today.
It was cool.


I got bored a few minutes and started to look at my stats.
Hahaha. Haha.

I love people who search things on google.
Seriously, guys.

Half of my views are probably from people looking for smiley faces.

Oh well.


The gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame.
You just lost it, hombre.



I love you.