Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Only Because You Did One

I apologize for my lack of postage. Mrs Bpm took away my internet connection (on my computer) and I can't really write a formal post on my iPod sooooo.

I guess I'll say a -little-. It'S not gonnA be some huge Vigorous updatE on My lifE or anything.
In case you were like, "Wtf?" with all of my unnecessary upper-casing in the last sentence, I made a secret message regarding how I feel about being stuck at home.

Here are some random thoughts:
1: I had color guard "camp" today. It was cool.

2: Boyfriend is freaking awesome.

3: So many people have asked me if I'm going to this girl Casie's birthday party Friday it's ridiculous. I don't really care that I'm not invited. Like forreal, I barely know the Girl. xD I was just mentioning it. Ferdinand told me that she's afraid of me or doesn't like mr or something because she thinks I'm gay or bi. Ahahaha. I'm not gay, of course. I dunno if I'm bi. I mean, technically I dated Ashley for about two weeks but I don't know. I like boys but cha know. *shrug*

4: I'm bored.

5: This guy Ricardo likes Lily. She doesn't like him back. He needs to take a hint. No offense. I'm sure he's a nice boy, but still. She already has to move to Washington, he doesn't have to make drama beforehand ( or afterwards for that matter).
I don't know.

6: I lurve you all.

Well I guess that's all I can stand to type on my iPod.
Love ya's.

Have a fun summer!


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