My apologies.
I don't really remember what I did Monday so I'll outline Tuesday and yesterday first.
After all of our gym exercising, we did marching basics in a hot field for a few hours.
I believe I died a few times.
Water is my new right-hand-man.
Sorry coke/ koolaid/ donuts.
I love you no longer. (JK I so totally do.)
I went home with Morgan.
Her cousins Sebastian and Tita were there.
Tita scares me. I'm estimating that she's about six. She randomly screams things in 'bunny language'.
It's quite adorable. So she's adorable-scary. xD
On the plus side, she randomly walked into the room that we were watching 'Hot to train your dragon' with a bunny in a basket.
A bunny. In. A. F-ing. Basket.
We played with it. It was amazing. Then Morgan sent a picture of it to Tyler so he started bothering Natalie about bras.
[Logic: Tyler wants Morgan to smuggle the bunny out of her house, and to Davidson probably so he can play with it and so it can be the "band bunny".
Aka: He believes that using Natalie's bra as transportation is the only way.
Seeing how this was obviously a good idea, I spammed her phone with texts requesting one for Tyler's cause.
She didn't agree. D: ]
Then Morgan and I tried to play MW2 but the headset was fucking up.
Then her mom wanted to watch 'Harry Potter' on that TV so we had to set the ps3 up in Jacob's (her brother) room.
I don't think we ever actually got it set up. Lol
Tyler and Shane called us and we had a conference call.
It was cool enough.
Gosh, I hate how tired I get. I'm ALWAYS tired.
Last summer I was able to stay up every night until 6 AM with no problem of waking up at 10 but now...
I can barely make it to 11.
I'm considering energy drinks.
Shane says he stole a 5-hour-energy once and it tasted nasty.
So, **shrug**.
I woke up an hour or two later and started texting him.
He wanted me to go to sleep and I was like, "Nooo.".
Then I fell asleep again.
When I woke up I got ready and such. Then we left.
I'm probably going to drive like Morgan's mom when I get my license.
Then we stopped by Micky d's.
Then of course all of the usually rookie camp stuffs.
Lunch was different though.
I was gonna go with Tyler and people to get food but he left us.
So Shane saw this guy Aaron and was like, "Can we go with you?"
So we went with Aaron and Rocker to Burger King.
It was cool. I was an ass to Bf as per usual. Ahaha.
We got back right when color guard was going into the gym so I was almost late.
We got out of flag basics at 2 for freshmen pictures.
We went out to the field and they put us in blocks to see people get pie thrown at them.
The people told us to count down so it was like..
The upperclassmen people had left when we were in blocks and came back with coolers of water balloons and water guns. It was a massacre.
A really really fun massacre.
Boyfriend and I started walking around (People were running around trying to hit someone with water/ to avoid getting hit) talking.
Then when the water balloons started running out, people started taking the ice chests and dumping all of the water on poor, poor victims.
I was one of those victims.
After that, everyone ate watermelon.
Boyfriend and I didn't cause we dislike watermelon.
There was a parent meeting after band camp but it was at 6 (Band camp ends at 3), so Bpm decided we didn't have time to go home.
We went to the mall and I bought new clothes to wear since the ones I HAD been wearing were all wet and junk.
The parent meeting was long.
When I got home I called Boyfriend, but I fell asleep when talking to him again.
Speaking of Boyfriend: He should write a blog post, since I did.
**Nods convincingly**
If I haven't talked to you in a while, you should text/call me. I most likely miss you.
I hung out with my cousins Miranda and Kayleigh for a while today. Miranda left a little bit after Kayleigh came over though.
Bpm didn't know so when she came to check Kayleigh hid under my bed.
It worked.
Ahaha. Ha.
Gotta love her.
I'm trying to get her to go to Davidson since she has the grades to be in EPIC and I'd be able to take her.
I'd love that so much.
I'm glad things are going well enough with Boyfriend.
I have a bad habit of fucking things up. But we're okay! :D
We had a nice time at the waterballoon/gun fight yesterday.
I lurve him. 'Cause he's awesome and junk.
I've had some drama-ish trouble with some close friends of mine in the close-ish past.
Boyfriend mentioned on his blog that he didn't think they were really friends of mine because of it.
He was kinda right.
On one account, I'm glad our friendship is over. She hurt me a lot and it was good to get distance from her.
On another, I miss her but I understand that she doesn't feel like being labelled close friends or anything. I hope that one day we can become close again, but even if we can't I hope she's happy because she was a great friend.
I love my remaining friends and I hope we always stay in touch and go places.
I know this is a bit late to say, but Ive been so wrapped up in things that I've forgotten to mention it.
If I have mentioned it?
Hush....I'm slow
Have you ever seen a baby platypus?
If yes, go cry quietly in the corner.
If no, don't.
Just kidding, I'm totally going to show you.
They're kind of cute.
A little bit.
I don't own any of these pictures of course.
Morgan and I were curious the other day about them so we went to Google.
~~~I don't really have much to say.
I've been bored recently.
I want to go somewhere.
Guess this post is done
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