Thursday, June 30, 2011

Viruses Have Fucked Me Over For The Last Time

Hello ladies and gents. Tonight's post will not be very long due to the fact that I'm typing it up on my iPod.
Why am I typing it on my iPod, you ask?
My computer has contracted (another) virus. It turns all of my files hidden, my screen black and my computer virtually unusable. Good times. My computer programer mother refuses to fix it or let me use one of her computers. Oh well.
Today was a semi-interesting day. It was one of those I'm-gonna-wear-sweats-and-a-baggy-shirt-today-cause-I-can-OH-FUUU-I-HAVE-TO-GO-TO-WALMART-IN-THESE-CLOTHES-AHHHH kind of days. You know what I mean? Yes, you do.
I discovered something today. Neither I nor my mother can work the self checkout machines at Walmart. How did I discover this? Cold hard (That's not what she said you immature twit) experience.
I got to witness mother-dear curse out the machine (along with myself and a few employees) for about ten minutes.
I bought sushi rice at Walmart. (I DO NOT HAVE YELLOW FEVER. STOP SAYING THAT.).
I'm going to eat it for lunch tomorrow. I found a good onigiri recipe online so if I have time to stop by Pakse Asian Market before lunch to get some seaweed strips I shall make some.
Well I must go and do unimportant things- WHO SAID THAT?! I do very important things. Bye ye! <3

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