Sunday, June 26, 2011

Nothing To Say, My Apologies.

I apologize for the late posting. I'm a convicted lazy person, plus when I'm not being lazy I'm off somewhere doing something interesting.


I cannot remember even a tad. It was probably full of cleaning chemicals and getting ready for the next day.


Sheila came over around noon. We partook in some shenanigans until Lily and Brianna came over. We watched the first few minutes of a movie called 'Chocolate'. It's a really good Thai movie that you can watch on Netflix.
Later we made ice cream sundaes. Then we discovered the food coloring.
Being the spaztic crazies we are, we all ended up with different colored ice cream. Mine was supposed to be red, but it ended up pink. Nonetheless, it was delicious.
Lily had to leave around nine, but Sheila and Bri stayed the night.
After our blood sugar had gone down a bit (Ha, scratch that. I think we got a bit more hyper in actuality) we decided to prank call people. We're immature; Hence, this is normal.
We prank called my friend Web. Brianna pretended to be a gay male named Damon who wanted to "talk" to Web. It was utterly hilarious. Web himself said that it was the best prank call he had experienced in a while.
Thus, the character of Damon was born. Brianna is quite fond of drawing him with cat ears.

I labelled it 'cause I was bored. This was drawn by my friend Brianna.
DA account name: Nyuu~Nyuu~Desu, I think. (BLATANT PROMOTION)

Again, drawn by Brianna.
Damon isn't always a cat person by the way. At least, I don't think he is.


Sheila had to go home early-ish, leaving Brianna and me alone. It was a sad time. I'm kidding, of course; Though we missed Sheila, we watched 'Fooly Cooly' and were giggley.
I'm in love with 'Fooly Cooly'. It is amazing. I have the desire to cosplay as Haruko.


I don't really remember much after that. It's been a while since I've worked on this post.
I stayed the night with Lily last night.
We went swimming.
I'm sorry I don't have much to talk about.


I had an er..interesting conversation with my mother before dinner.

Me: Hey mom, where's the food?

Mom: Up yours.

Sissy: Oh my god, mama. xD

Me: Okaaay then.. o.o

Mom: Oh my...I didn't mean to say that.

After that we ate microwavable chicken and talked about California, how German people are supposedly obnoxious and how to properly microwave something.


There's this band. It's called 'Porcelain and the Tramps'.
It's pretty cool.


This is a slow-blog-day for me. I can't seem to get my thoughts together to write properly.
I'll try to write a better blog later. Maybe.
I want to call Boyfriend, but I have to finish this first. Boyfriend is really good to me.

Ha. I did call him. Anyhow.


There's this website.
It's pretty amazing.


I'm going to post now.
I don't know what else to write.


1 comment:

  1. You forgot to tell everyone about Triangle, Button, and Garbage Can!
