Jajaja. I'm happy again. My friends' wit and our inside jokes (plus boyfriend's "be happy!" encouragement)has healed me!
So now we're pretty much back to where we started.
I'm laying on my bed while Shira and Savvy play Guitar Hero and Lily cuddles with Bri child.
I love nights like these where we all talk about people we think are bitches and inside jokes.
Jesus, there are a lot of inside jokes. Forreal.
What am I doing right now at this very moment? Talking about some girl I've never heard of (Kiki Palmer) being a Disney princess and listening to Shira und Savvy yell, "Dot dot dot dot dot dot dot dot!" for no apparent reason.
Good times.
I dun even know what I'm talking about anymore. It's 11:59.
Good morning. I hope your day is nice!
I hope I can go to boyfriend's house today. Mother said she might not be able to take me..
Don't call the old man.
Dot dot dot dot dot dot.
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