Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flippy Hair, Mappy Post Time.

     I got bored today and decided to go back onto google maps (Yes, those cleverly edited maps portraying my complex emotions were from Google).
I pretty much stalked my friends' houses (Yeah, this gives an all new meaning to "I know what you did last summer") until I thought of something more amusing to do. I never said there was much to do in Mobile.

 By the way.
If you are a creeper do not think that the map screenshots I put up can actually help you find my house or something.

A: I didn't put my anyone's actual adress in the bar so the location A and B thing connected by a line only means that they live sort of near there.

B: If you can really find me with the help of

^that, then I wouldn't even press charges if you barged into my house one day with a machette, looking to chop off a few of my unecessary limbs.

Playing on Microsoft Paint is fuuuun. :3


Have you ever forgotten how to say a word?
Because it was abbreviated to two letters on a bottle?
Fuck you.

Boyfriend won't let the fact that I suddenly couldnt remember how to say the word 'fluid' when talking abotu serving sizes on bottled refreshments.
It started sort of like this,

"Alright. I dont get it. So a serving size is only 12 fluuu- fla- flauuur- fluuueee- fluuiiiii- flueiii- fluid ounces?".

So now apparently I'm autistic.
Boyfriend, on the subject- "It's okay Bri. Autistic people are people too. I accept you for who you are."
Me, on the subject- " I'm not autistic damnit! >:O **licks window**"

[I'd like to say that in case someone gets offended and starts to have a thought process along the lines of "That's insulting! It's offensive! Its....Its....TROLLOLOLOLOL."
I'm kidding. Now go stuff a blanket up your pants.]


I cut my hair.
It's really different.
I'm afraid to post a picture 'cause I think I look shitty, since right after I left the hair-styley-place it frizzed up and went un-straight again.

It's way shorter now, which is better for me since I'm lazy.
Plus, all of my drawing things show me with kinda short hair.
My hair didnt really look like that anymore. It was a few inches down my back and more straight-wavyish than anything. Now it's kind of accurate.
Not like it matters lol.
Ashley brought it up a lot though. -.-
She doesnt read my blog but she still knows what I draw like.

I gotta go for now.
Might post later.
I have to try to get a ride to the movies tomorrow.


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