Monday, April 11, 2011

Dreams, Queens, and Hats

I havent posted in a long while
A regular viewer of my blog: NO WAI COOL STORY BRO
A random viewer of my blog: Idfk
A stoner viewer of my blog: Mmmmm blog sounds like clog

So anyhow.
You may or may not have known that.
Which doesnt really matter to me.

Alright so basically I have a different excuse for not posting each day.

Thursday- I was lazy
Friday- I was tired from spring fling
Saturday- Jessi came to visit
Sunday- I got home late from the mall and fell asleep? :D
So I'm posting today

Want to know what's fun?
Being an ass.

Want to know whats more fun?
Being an ass with friends.

Thats what I did yesterday.
I went Social (kinda like a prom I guess) dress shopping and such with my two friends Kari and Jessi.
It was uber duber fun.
We bothered people everywhere, and still managed to get some kickass dresses. I'm going to look so gothic xD I swear.
My dress is black on the bottom then there's a black sash, then a purple top with black lace over it.
I boguht some black lacey gloves and a black rose ring nd some more black stuff that'll contribute to my classmates' idea that I'm a dark minded freakazoid.
Which I'm perfectly fine with.

Oh, and we tried on snazzy hats for no apparent reason.

I posted these 'cause they were my favorite hats, aha.
Jessi doesnt have any pictures in a hat because she doesnt like public humiliation as much as Kari and I.

It was a really fun day.
The Starbucks was freakin' awesome.
^As you may or may not have noticed from the pictures Kari and I were drinking some Frappecinos. (Grande mocha with extra whipped cream and drizzle <3)


My cousins Hanna and Kayleigh came over (AHEMHEMHEMtackled me and forced their way into my place of residence) when I got home from school today.
Kayleigh and I talked about our usual stuff; Boys, mexican slave traders, pedofilism, etcetera.
Then Tobi peed on her bag.
I dont think Ive ever been prouder of him.


Boyfriend's at a rehearsal thing so I havent gotten to talk to him today.
Oh well. Ill wait.
I'm texting my friend Wasian at the moment. His name is actually Mitch but we all call him Wasian.
As his name suggests, he's a wasian (The product of an asian and a white person) and he's a beast. I'm making him come to my highschool instead of Murphy (That's where Jessi and Kari are going to go/ currently go). 'Cause Davidson rocks everybody's socks.
Boyfriend just texted me. He's done. :3


Ashley's doing this 365 poems thing.
She's going to write a poem a day for a year.
 She might make a blog with them. I know she's going to try to get them published.
Which makes me happy because she's a good writer.


I dont really have much to say.
I'm waiting for Boyfriend to text me back and Im thinking.
My male blonde friend (His name ish Josh by the way), is sad.
He's having nightmares again. I hate that. I'm partially the reason he does.

Boyfriend texted me back! :D
We're arguing.

Boyfriend: Hey you, you're not fat.

Me: Ahem, I'm queen of the fatties

Boyfriend: You're not fat

Me: I'm queeeeen

Boyfriend: NO

Me: Treason! D': I want to be the queeeeen

Granted, this isn't our exact words but whatever. You'll deal with it like nice little fatties, obeying your queen.

Also, just saying, I'm not using spell check again.
It's being LAME. Like, a really lame llama. Except, it's spell check.
Imma see if I can go call boyfriend.



*GASP* I'm a conformist. ^^^
See that?
I put the song that I'm listening to on my blog.

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