Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Life, I'm Going To Curb Stomp You.

Life seriously needs to grow a pair so I can kick them with the largest amount of force possible.

Mother (Who shall now be refered to as Mrs. Bitchy McPrissyPants, or BMP for short) apparently "forgot" that Boyfriend lived in Bay minette so now she refuses to take me to his friggin' birthday party.
His. birthday. party.
Then anyone that could possibly take me to the party because they're going to -can't-.
And Jessica has to work the day before so she'll be sleeping all day.
God damn.
My last resort?
Um....maybe Morgan. But I dont want to piss her mom off (cause morgan isn't exactly invited to the party) so yeah.
I might see if George or somebody can take me but god forbid mom lets a human being with a penis be in a vehicle of transport with me.
Sometimes I wish that a random villain will just drop a nuclear bomb on Irvington.

The blue line marks the route from Irvington to Bay Minette.

Let me put this in perspective for you.

So yeah. FML.
It takes literally an hour to get there from my house, but it only takes someone who actually lives in the Mobile part of Mobile 30 minutes. Granted, everything is far away from my house since I don't go to school in my district and none of my friends do. But either way.

I'm going to kick Irvington in the face.

If I do manage to get a ride Morgan's gonna have to pick me up. She's one of the people who live like 20 minutes away from bay minette.

I'm assuming in

^ that general area.
I'm also assuming that Davidson is in that general area.

I'm out of solutions.
Either I can beg one of my aunts to take me (not likely to work) or like...I dunno.
If Morgan was going to the party it'd be easier, but like yeah. Boyfriend's not exactly on good terms with her so it'd be kind of stupid to invite her. Bleh.

If I can't go I'm probably just going to write an angsty Facebook status and shut myself in my room without talking to anybody until the end of the day when I'm supposed to stay the night with Morgan. Blarg.

Speaking of angsty facebook statuses, I'm pretty sure I know some douchebags. I posted 'Fml.' as my status and three people liked it. One of those people is my close friend...
So yeah.
This shit's not fun.

Anyway, so I'm supposed to spend the night with Morgan then go to the beach with her bf Jesse, right?
I may or may not have trouble with that. Jesse pisses me off a lot, just because he god damn does okay.
So liek I told Shane, if he annoys me to a certain point there's not really much going to stop me from repeatedly curb stomping him if I see any conflict/and or affection between Morgan and him.

I think I've transformed into the stereotypical teenager in the past two days. I've mainly just been sulking and blasting my music on my ipod dock. I've also not been in a room with the lights actually on in a while. -.-
I dont really have anything interesting to say.



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