Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ooooh Yeah, Guard Those Colors!

I havent posted in FOREVER. 'Cause I've been busy.
This is what I've been up to....

I had fun Friday and Saturday.

Went to the park.
Hung out with Lily, Sheila, and Brianna.
Lily got stuck on top of this thing and couldnt get down since she's afraid of heights.
:3 I'd post a video of it but Lily made me promise not to.
So basically we screwed around with the stuff on the playground, then we took a walk through the woods.
I got to talk to Bri's girlfriend!
Then we went to Lily's house, then Bri's, then Sheila's, then finally to mine.
We then had a fun yaoi-filled night with BBQ chips and youtube.

Hung out with the people mentioned above.
Sheila left semi-early (taking the Fushigi yugi manga with her **sigh**), leaving lily & Brianna with me.
Then we partied some more.

I think this was Easter.
I got a huge Easter basket and hung out with my cousin Kayleigh.
I omnomnom'd a bunch of food. I didn't really have inspiration to write.

I had to go to DavidsonI to preregister and pick out my classes and stuff.
Then after school I went to Colorguard tryouts. Adrianna and Mishka were trying out too and junk.
Oh! And some more peoples.
The tryouts were at 6 and then when I got home it was 9ish so I didn't have time to post.

I had tryouts again.

I had a fieldtrip to Montgomery!!!!
We had charter buses and everything.
It was a 7 hour round trip to see the Shakespeare festival play thingy.
It was pretty cool. We all had a picnic afterwards.

Ooooooh, that's today!
Tryouts are over.

Who'd ya guess?


Today was cool.
I got to Davidson at about 3 so a lot of people were still there.
Boyfriend snuck up on me and put his hands over my eyes. :3
I knew it was him though because of his cologne. It smells niiiiice.
Then I hung out with him for a while.
Then he had to go. When he had to, he told me and we hugged and my flag caught in the wind and encircled us.
Some people were like "Awwww it's cute!It's like ya'll have a screen!".
Good times.
For definately.
I loves him.
So yeah, we kissed and then went our seperate ways.
Tryouts went alright; I got nervous though.
I made it though.
This summer is going to be amazing. I can't wait.

Well i'll go for a bit now.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011


I haven't posted in a while.
I've had color guard try outs.

I'll officially post tomorrow.

Friday, April 22, 2011

3 O' Clock Better Come Soon

A: No movies today! Boyfriend wouldn't go and I wouldn't find a ride anyway

B: Jessi isn't staying the night tonight. Instead, she (and Kari) shall stay tomorrow and then we'll go to the movies Saturday

C: My hair is in the need of a good flogging. It was amazing when I got it, then I pretty much figured out with my current hair skills there is no way I'll ever be able to replicate it again,


It looked better in person (and before it frizzed up into the hair-beast)



I'll admit that in the pictures it doesn't look very different. But it is.
VERY different.
Also, sorry for my deer-in-teh-headlights face. I was inwardly thinking about the rise of gas prices and why my internet suddenly wasn't working.


Mother-dear left me alone at the house today and since I have nothing better to do I'm just going to write.
Not like there's much to write about.

No one's really been posting recently. Usually that's my only motivation to actually keep posting. xP
Unless stuff is going on. Ya know?
I'm probably going to go through my posts and use spell check finally.
'Cause I have no life, remember?


That was all written yesterday, by the way.
Jessi isn't staying at all this week -.-
Kari is though.

I'm going to the park at 3 for my friend's going away party (she's moving to Washington D:).
There'll probably be pictures.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flippy Hair, Mappy Post Time.

     I got bored today and decided to go back onto google maps (Yes, those cleverly edited maps portraying my complex emotions were from Google).
I pretty much stalked my friends' houses (Yeah, this gives an all new meaning to "I know what you did last summer") until I thought of something more amusing to do. I never said there was much to do in Mobile.

 By the way.
If you are a creeper do not think that the map screenshots I put up can actually help you find my house or something.

A: I didn't put my anyone's actual adress in the bar so the location A and B thing connected by a line only means that they live sort of near there.

B: If you can really find me with the help of

^that, then I wouldn't even press charges if you barged into my house one day with a machette, looking to chop off a few of my unecessary limbs.

Playing on Microsoft Paint is fuuuun. :3


Have you ever forgotten how to say a word?
Because it was abbreviated to two letters on a bottle?
Fuck you.

Boyfriend won't let the fact that I suddenly couldnt remember how to say the word 'fluid' when talking abotu serving sizes on bottled refreshments.
It started sort of like this,

"Alright. I dont get it. So a serving size is only 12 fluuu- fla- flauuur- fluuueee- fluuiiiii- flueiii- fluid ounces?".

So now apparently I'm autistic.
Boyfriend, on the subject- "It's okay Bri. Autistic people are people too. I accept you for who you are."
Me, on the subject- " I'm not autistic damnit! >:O **licks window**"

[I'd like to say that in case someone gets offended and starts to have a thought process along the lines of "That's insulting! It's offensive! Its....Its....TROLLOLOLOLOL."
I'm kidding. Now go stuff a blanket up your pants.]


I cut my hair.
It's really different.
I'm afraid to post a picture 'cause I think I look shitty, since right after I left the hair-styley-place it frizzed up and went un-straight again.

It's way shorter now, which is better for me since I'm lazy.
Plus, all of my drawing things show me with kinda short hair.
My hair didnt really look like that anymore. It was a few inches down my back and more straight-wavyish than anything. Now it's kind of accurate.
Not like it matters lol.
Ashley brought it up a lot though. -.-
She doesnt read my blog but she still knows what I draw like.

I gotta go for now.
Might post later.
I have to try to get a ride to the movies tomorrow.


Tuesday, April 19, 2011


And so commences my day of seclusion. BLAH, world, BLAH.

PS: mom won't let me go over to Morgans

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Life, I'm Going To Curb Stomp You.

Life seriously needs to grow a pair so I can kick them with the largest amount of force possible.

Mother (Who shall now be refered to as Mrs. Bitchy McPrissyPants, or BMP for short) apparently "forgot" that Boyfriend lived in Bay minette so now she refuses to take me to his friggin' birthday party.
His. birthday. party.
Then anyone that could possibly take me to the party because they're going to -can't-.
And Jessica has to work the day before so she'll be sleeping all day.
God damn.
My last resort?
Um....maybe Morgan. But I dont want to piss her mom off (cause morgan isn't exactly invited to the party) so yeah.
I might see if George or somebody can take me but god forbid mom lets a human being with a penis be in a vehicle of transport with me.
Sometimes I wish that a random villain will just drop a nuclear bomb on Irvington.

The blue line marks the route from Irvington to Bay Minette.

Let me put this in perspective for you.

So yeah. FML.
It takes literally an hour to get there from my house, but it only takes someone who actually lives in the Mobile part of Mobile 30 minutes. Granted, everything is far away from my house since I don't go to school in my district and none of my friends do. But either way.

I'm going to kick Irvington in the face.

If I do manage to get a ride Morgan's gonna have to pick me up. She's one of the people who live like 20 minutes away from bay minette.

I'm assuming in

^ that general area.
I'm also assuming that Davidson is in that general area.

I'm out of solutions.
Either I can beg one of my aunts to take me (not likely to work) or like...I dunno.
If Morgan was going to the party it'd be easier, but like yeah. Boyfriend's not exactly on good terms with her so it'd be kind of stupid to invite her. Bleh.

If I can't go I'm probably just going to write an angsty Facebook status and shut myself in my room without talking to anybody until the end of the day when I'm supposed to stay the night with Morgan. Blarg.

Speaking of angsty facebook statuses, I'm pretty sure I know some douchebags. I posted 'Fml.' as my status and three people liked it. One of those people is my close friend...
So yeah.
This shit's not fun.

Anyway, so I'm supposed to spend the night with Morgan then go to the beach with her bf Jesse, right?
I may or may not have trouble with that. Jesse pisses me off a lot, just because he god damn does okay.
So liek I told Shane, if he annoys me to a certain point there's not really much going to stop me from repeatedly curb stomping him if I see any conflict/and or affection between Morgan and him.

I think I've transformed into the stereotypical teenager in the past two days. I've mainly just been sulking and blasting my music on my ipod dock. I've also not been in a room with the lights actually on in a while. -.-
I dont really have anything interesting to say.



Saturday, April 16, 2011

Nice Nights and Boring Days

Alright, so the first order of business is about how FRIGGIN' AWESOME today was.
I went to see the movie 'Arthur' with Boyfriend after school which, let me tell you, is a great way to start off spring break '11.

I'm uber duber happy.
Like, That up thar kind of happy.
But not like
kind of happy. I'm pretty sure a person would only get happy like that if they were forced to watch 'Golden Girls' for 18 hours straight before being sexually assaulted by a panda.

So anyway the movie was really funny, and getting to hang out with Boyfriend was even better. <3
He's all amazing and junk.

Today's been full of bad ass-ery in general. The classes were easy, the 1 1/2 long study hall I was at with my friends was really fun, and even carpool was a beast.


Also, you learn something new everyday.
I learned the symptoms of gonorrhea yesterday. I'm proud to say that I do *not* have it.
I recently learned how to pull a brain out of some one's nose with the help of a coat hanger. It's sort of like abortion but it's with your brain, but if you're willing to let someone rip out your brain it's not like you're using it much anyway. I love the interwebs.


Sorry, boyfriend. ;D
But seriously, I love that song. I cant stop listening to it.
"Baby there's a shark in the water
there's something underneath my bed
oh please believe, I said
baby there's a shark in the water
I caught them barking at the moon
oh better be soon"
It's awesome, ya'll.
This girl Charity and someone else sang it in the school talent show. They're really good singers. They sang it JUST like it.
It was because of them that I even found out this masterpiece existed.
Alright, so yes, I usually only listen to rock/metal/various foreign music/etc, but this song literally is freakin' amazing. Go listen to it.
I don't even care if you lose all respect for me. It -is- a snazzy song, and I love it to death (though hopefully, it won't die anytime soon). I need to download it onto my ipod (Cicco has it T^T), but my Frostwire is stupid.


Alright, let me tell all of ya'll something.
Frostwire is 10 billion times better than Limewire.
But. It. Will. Not. Stay. Installed. On. My. Computer.
As in, if I -ever- accidentally press the little red x-button on the program, I have to reinstall it onto my computer. Which takes about 15 minutes of my semi-valuable time.


[Oh, by the way, I'm making a little side note here. I've gotten really bad with posting recently. I'm uber sorry, guys. I've either been
A: Really tired when I get home from school
B: Just not in the best mood, and with nothing to talk about.]


Hmmm. I know I'm forgetting about something. It had something to do with sidenotes.

Hey um, I dunno if you actually read my blog or not (even though we all know that I creep on yours), Natalie but ish okai. I know. :3
I heard about how Meorgan thought that. I dun' though.
(My name ish Briana. Or Bri. Not Brianna. D':)


Garsh. My mom is mean.
Lizzy is doing this fundraiser things (washing cars) for ASMS (Alabama school of math and science) and she asked me to help. Mom wont drive me.

Nevermind! :D
It was cancelled, and rescheduled for tomorrow. Which is pretty good for me.


By the way, everything above the 'Shark in the water' thing, I wrote yesterday.
I feel asleep talking to Boyfriend so I never posted. I sorry, Lol.
I' m trying to think of stuff to talk about.
There's not toooo much, ya know?
I don't really like talking about my feelings when I know people are reading this (Yeah, aha, I -do- have those, surprisingly.) so yeah.
Not like I'm just totally unhappy and grr all the time. Boyfriend helps meh a lot.
Like, I'm almost -always- happy.


So anyhow. If there's a video thar, it's of my cousin Kayleigh.
I'm no completely sure what was going on.
It was a little something I found on my computer when I was organising.
I swear, my computer is probably the only organised thing I have. :]
I get OCD about my computer.
It's baby.
I love it so much..


I want to go to Mobicon this year with Brady. Google it, mutha f-ers.
Yes, I'm a geek.
I might even cosplay.
So yeah. I'm kind of poor though so I have to find someone to cosplay as that's easy to. Or a school girl.
I have to wear uniforms anyway, so why not?
Blah. Knowing me, I won't be able to find a single thing.
Which is pretty dang likely, lol.
Oh well. I dun' care.


Oh my gosh. I'm bored. So I'm going to leave now.

I'll probably post later.
I have nothing to do today. xP


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Smurfs, Chucky, and Anger Issues

Oh, smurf babies. I got my cellular device taken away today so I cant text anyone. I think I may go through withdrawal.
Also, yes I did just use 'smurf babies' as a curse. I just watched Seed of Chucky and I'm wearing blue socks, so I guess that's why?
It's an interesting movie. I liked Bride of Chucky better but maybe that's just because there was finally a girl doll? 
Plus, there's the fact that after a while killer dolls lose their touch on your fear receptors. Aha, geeky speaky.
Pammy's cousin dressed up as Chucky the year before last. I know this because I spend my Halloweens hanging out with her and her family for her birthday.
It's always fun. I cant wait for Halloween to come around again.
I also cant wait for spring break.
That's when Boyfriend is having his birthday party. :)
It reminds me of my failure of making a party.
His birthday is almost a month after mine and I still haven't had a party. Procrastination sucks sometimes.
Well, most of the time really but whatever.


I had the worst cramps on the face of the Earth today.
Example of aforementioned pain:

Me: **Bent over in pain in front of locker**
Tosin (Random friend I never mention): Hey Briana!!!! :D **closes my locker**
Me: AGHHHHHH **Punches Tosin in face**
Tosin: I love you too? :3

So yeah. I was in really bad pain.
Brady suggested that I leave school early with her but
A: She actually had a ride
B: I had cramps, and she just didn't feel well
C: Ugghhhhh, I cant miss any more of math class.
Which sucked. It sucked so many things. So hard.
You'd think that'd be faptabulous, but it wasn't.
I wanted to take a fork and slowly rip out my internal organs. Or someone else's internal organs.


Anyway, distracting from the happy-happy-la-la stuff. I'm obscenely pissed. Oh, it's like 4 hours later than everything else I wrote tonight okay?
So basically, Morgan (Shane's ex/my friend) is dating this guy Jessi, okai?
Common knowledge.
He can be......**deep breath** I really don't want to go into what I think about him right now.
He told Morgan that if she talked to Boyfriend that he'd dump her.
That pisses me off for sooo many reasons.
I thought about just tearing out his vocal chords and stuffing them in his eye sockets (Yeah, I'm moody.) but I decided to take a more tactful approach.
Hence, we had the following conversation on facebook:




Nun 6 page essay due by tomorrow

Don't dump Morgan.

I'm not

I heard you were if she talked to Shane.



Don't wanna talk about it i feel bad now

Why do ya feel bad?

I'm a controlling whore

Did Morgan tell ya that?

No i am tho and i know she is thinkin it

Then why do you try to control her in the first place? and dun add whore to the end of it, it makes it sound worse.

cause i do it for her best interests

If she wants to talk to someone she should be able to without having to worry about losing someone she really cares about.
I'm just saying.
It tends to affect more people than you think.


I don't want you to lose her.
But I don't want people to get hurt because of things.


In my opinion, not like anyone asked for it or like anyone cares, morgan is a big girl. She knows what's in her best interests.

I know, did whoever tell you why tho?

I'm assuming.
But enlighten me? I could be wrong.

i will tomorrow
i gtg type a paper

Text me tomorrow morning.


I'm still pretty pissed. As you can see, I was probably more polite than the way I felt like being. Maybe it was the pacifist side of me coming out.
Oh well. Whatever. I don't care.
Jesse needs to get his shit together, let Morgan do what she wants, and stop indirectly or directly hurting Shane.
If we had been in person I don't think it would have been that 'diplomatic'.
Well, it might have been. It depends if fists are involved in diplomacy.
Anyway. He better have a damn good explanation tomorrow. He probably won't but what-the-fuck-ever.
I'm going to go be an angsty teenager and listen to music.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Dreams, Queens, and Hats

I havent posted in a long while
A regular viewer of my blog: NO WAI COOL STORY BRO
A random viewer of my blog: Idfk
A stoner viewer of my blog: Mmmmm blog sounds like clog

So anyhow.
You may or may not have known that.
Which doesnt really matter to me.

Alright so basically I have a different excuse for not posting each day.

Thursday- I was lazy
Friday- I was tired from spring fling
Saturday- Jessi came to visit
Sunday- I got home late from the mall and fell asleep? :D
So I'm posting today

Want to know what's fun?
Being an ass.

Want to know whats more fun?
Being an ass with friends.

Thats what I did yesterday.
I went Social (kinda like a prom I guess) dress shopping and such with my two friends Kari and Jessi.
It was uber duber fun.
We bothered people everywhere, and still managed to get some kickass dresses. I'm going to look so gothic xD I swear.
My dress is black on the bottom then there's a black sash, then a purple top with black lace over it.
I boguht some black lacey gloves and a black rose ring nd some more black stuff that'll contribute to my classmates' idea that I'm a dark minded freakazoid.
Which I'm perfectly fine with.

Oh, and we tried on snazzy hats for no apparent reason.

I posted these 'cause they were my favorite hats, aha.
Jessi doesnt have any pictures in a hat because she doesnt like public humiliation as much as Kari and I.

It was a really fun day.
The Starbucks was freakin' awesome.
^As you may or may not have noticed from the pictures Kari and I were drinking some Frappecinos. (Grande mocha with extra whipped cream and drizzle <3)


My cousins Hanna and Kayleigh came over (AHEMHEMHEMtackled me and forced their way into my place of residence) when I got home from school today.
Kayleigh and I talked about our usual stuff; Boys, mexican slave traders, pedofilism, etcetera.
Then Tobi peed on her bag.
I dont think Ive ever been prouder of him.


Boyfriend's at a rehearsal thing so I havent gotten to talk to him today.
Oh well. Ill wait.
I'm texting my friend Wasian at the moment. His name is actually Mitch but we all call him Wasian.
As his name suggests, he's a wasian (The product of an asian and a white person) and he's a beast. I'm making him come to my highschool instead of Murphy (That's where Jessi and Kari are going to go/ currently go). 'Cause Davidson rocks everybody's socks.
Boyfriend just texted me. He's done. :3


Ashley's doing this 365 poems thing.
She's going to write a poem a day for a year.
 She might make a blog with them. I know she's going to try to get them published.
Which makes me happy because she's a good writer.


I dont really have much to say.
I'm waiting for Boyfriend to text me back and Im thinking.
My male blonde friend (His name ish Josh by the way), is sad.
He's having nightmares again. I hate that. I'm partially the reason he does.

Boyfriend texted me back! :D
We're arguing.

Boyfriend: Hey you, you're not fat.

Me: Ahem, I'm queen of the fatties

Boyfriend: You're not fat

Me: I'm queeeeen

Boyfriend: NO

Me: Treason! D': I want to be the queeeeen

Granted, this isn't our exact words but whatever. You'll deal with it like nice little fatties, obeying your queen.

Also, just saying, I'm not using spell check again.
It's being LAME. Like, a really lame llama. Except, it's spell check.
Imma see if I can go call boyfriend.



*GASP* I'm a conformist. ^^^
See that?
I put the song that I'm listening to on my blog.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sitting In This Room Playing Russian Roulette

Today, was today.
I just can't say 'how' it was.

Michel came up to us all at lunch and told Ashley that he had a surprise for her. He whispered in my ear that he was going to break up with her at the end of the day. I didnt know what to say. I told Jessi what he said in the hallway. Ashley came out of the cafeteria crying. I just....ugh. I held her. :/
He told her that he couldnt handle being made fun of for dating her and that he was embaressed all of the time. That he "had had enough  embaressment in Lebanon". Oh, and he threw in the fact that he thinks she's clingy.
She just really liked him.
I didnt know what to do.
I love Ashley. I hate that this happened...

I was sitting on the steps outside with one of my close friends a few hours before that happened. I was talking to her about how almost every single friend of mine has either been in the past or is currectly suicidal or/and self harming. Except for her and maybe a few others.
Yeah. She has been (suicidal, that is).
It's horrible how the people who always deserve happiness the most, dont get it.

I'm going to die if Ashley starts cutting again.
I'm not sure how she's going to handle it tonight.
She still has the habit of always wearing long sleeves to cover her arms....
I always want to hurt the people that hurt her.
Like, the Patrick guy that asked her out because he lost a bet and made her cry.
Or Michel.
Or me...
I think I've hurt Ashley before. It killed me when she hurt me, but it was probably only because I hurt her first.
I dont even know.
I usually dont.

Everyone is hurting right now, for their own reasons...
Shane's friends...etc...
Everything hurts

I've been lsitening to Escape the Fate all afternoon to deal. ♥
My music always helps me. ♪ ♫
Even when I feel like I'm completely useless and like I cant do anything to help anyone
I dont really know what im saying anymore
I dont know how to make boyfriend happy or ashley or anyone else..
I dont like that
      "Shadows fall on yesterday
       It's like time just slips away
       I'm nothing
       When darkness follows me
       The dawn it never shows it's head
       I'm left dying here instead
       With nothing
       A lock without a key

       Like the brightest star you shine through
      Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive
      I've got purpose once again
      Yeah, yeah
     Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive
     I've got purpose once again
     Yeah, yeah

     If looks could kill you'd be the one
     That takes my world and makes me numb
     I'm nothing
    Without you I can't breathe
    And as the sunlight burns the sky
    I see through my obsessive eyes
    I'm nothing
    Without you I can't see

    Like the brightest star you shine through
    Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive
    I've got purpose once again
    Yeah, yeah
   Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive
   I've got purpose once again
   Yeah, yeah
   Yeah, yeah

    You're the strength I need to fight
   You're the reason I still try
    I'm the moth and you're the light
   Use these wings so I can fly
   I can fly

   Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive
   I've got purpose once again
   Yeah, yeah
   Ashley baby you make me feel so alive
   I've got purpose once again
   Yeah, yeah
   Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive
   I've got purpose once again
   Yeah, yeah
   Ashley baby, you make me feel so alive
   I've got purpose once again
   Yeah, yeah
  Yeah, yeah
   I've got purpose once again
   I've got purpose once again"

I really hope one day soon that a guy (or girl, I mean our Ashley goes for both) feels exactly like this about her.
This song's called 'Ashley'. It's pretty apropriate.

The part thta says
"You're the strength I need to fight
   You're the reason I still try
    I'm the moth and you're the light
   Use these wings so I can fly
   I can fly"

reminds me of her the most.
One of her favorite poems is 'Lesson of the moth' after all.


Everyone on here should wish Ashley luck.

I feel bad excluding my other friends (and boyfriend's friends) problems on here.
I love all of them.
I'd do anything to help make them feel better. :/
If I had to give up all of my happiness so I could give it to them, I would. I think that'd make me happier still, which makes it sort of liek a paradox.

Alright, I know this is completely random but we're sort of on the subject of pain so i thoguht id mention it.
I wnat to get snake bites or a lip ring soon.
Really bad.
But I cant, cause my mom is a blehblehbleh.
So anyway.

I cut my tongue on the sharp part of a coke can.
I'm all bleeding and junk now.
Oh well.

I cant think of anything else to say right now
I'm going to go do something
I dont know what


P.S.: I'm not using spellcheck today.

Ps-Ps: I love all of my friends. So much.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Haters Aren't Cool

I'm late.

Not in the  "Yo, beotch, I'm pregnant!" kind of way; More like the "I'm very sorry for not posting a blog post yesterday" sort of late.
I guess it doesn't really matter since no one really reads this thing-a-mah-jig anyway.
I'm posting today though, so I'll include whatever exerts I did yesterday sooner or later.

Quite a few things happened today, I guess.
Ashley got a boyfriend. It's Michel. They're gonna have adorable little Lebanese babies one day, if they stay together long enough to produce my god children.
She seems a little bit miffed though. Not really miffed but just seems like she's trying to get back at me for something and I don't really know if its just me or if its really happening. Or what I'm supposed to do, if it is really happening. *Sigh*
My bottle ginger is causing me a little bit of exasperation right now. I'm probably just being weird/ schizophrenic/ whatever though.
This is going to be so embarrassing when Lauren reads it. :/
She usually gets around to reading my blog every once in a while. Blehhh.

I always feel a little bleh (Bleh: a. A mood in between sad and neutral which possesses one's body) when I read other peoples blogs and they're posting their feelings since I can never seem to do that.
Sometimes I do a little, but I just backspace it and restart. I feel like I'm lying to myself sometimes. I technically am.

Boyfriend is so nice to me. He sends me really sweet texts and tells me sweet things, etc. It makes me feel happy. He makes me feel happy.
I'm not going to vomit up affection because I know if I go on and on on the many reasons why he's amazing and why I love him it would take waaaaay too long and anyone who didn't really know me would enjoy eating  my head. I need my head. Hrm.
I love him.

Josh likes this girl. I know who it is. Everyone knows I know. -.-
So I've been getting bugged all day.
I mean seriously, if Blondie doesn't want you to know then you shouldn't know, kthxbai. Lol.
At lunch a bunch of my friends cornered me, handed me a napkin (and a pencil, obviously) and told me to right down who Joshie <3's.
My answer?

"Mmmmm, cookies."


On the bus Joshie was talking to me to make sure I didn't tell anyone. about "the girl", so (Derp.) we got sidetracked as usual.

It's amazing when we get sidetracked.
Our humor is like.....Family Guy had surprise butt sex with everything. Errything.
So yeah.
We got into convo's like this:

Joshie: Yeah dog. Dawwwg. Doggeh. Puppy dog. Kitten. **Moves hands as if huffing kitten**

Alright so maybe it wasn't a convo. Maybe I used incorrect grammar. But god dammit, this is America. :P
Home of the fatties.
And McDonald's.
And Call of Duty.
Mmmmm, cookies.
Lauren told me the other day that some people deeply breathe in the scent of young kittens to get high.
 It's called kitten huffing.

A hells yes.
America, Ftw.
Canada, Wtf.
Jk Jk.
I've gotten only one view from the big bad country of the maple syrup and the hockey and stuff. :(
Come on Canada, read my blog! I love you....

By the way, you just lost the game.

So yeah. I've been kind of depressed these past few days. Like, I'm pretty happy. But when I'm all alone I just start thinking about how much I fuck up and how stupid I am...
I do it a lot now. It's getting kinda bad. :/

Boyfriend makes it way better, and he doesn't even really know it. When he's talking to me, I just cant feel sad or think about stuff like that. :)

Last night I was on the phone with Evan and Shane and Natalie. I felt like an idiot. I was just so out of it.
I feel so out of place when I talk to groups of people, a lot of times. I think it elevates a little when I'm with boyfriend. I hate looking bad in front of him.
I usually resort to just being quiet, but that makes him sad. I don't want to make him sad.
I like to mess with him (like play-making fun of, etc) too so he'll get annoyed (well it's probably not really annoyment but I feel like it when I'm thinking of my mistakes). Today I was making fun of him for eating pizza almost everyday and he was like "Mention it one more time and I'll hang up :P"

I pushed it

I always push it


So yeah. I lose a lot of people because I push boundaries. I knew he was kidding but still. He did hang up on me. And what literally happened was that I went to laughing to silence. I just....can't. I'm not good around people in general. I guess its in my nature to annoy people. Or at least push their buttons.

I'm not sad when I talk to boyfriend though, as I may or may not have said before.
Earlier he asked me if I was okay, and I told him yes. I wasn't lying. I'm perfect then. I'm still pretty perfect. :)

In other news, aside from talking about my love and blehblehblehs: Shane JUST discovered the band Disturbed.
I was like...
That band is freakin' amazing.
I totally respect him more now.
(I might even stop making jokes about boy scouts) (Maaaybe)

Today was a strange blog post for me.
I had emotions and stuff.
Whooooaaaa. Lol

I cant wait until this Friday.
Might post more.
Bye bye


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Deli Meat, Monsters, and Canada.

Hey y'all. I'm doing this from my iPod and junk (Apple, I love much! Maybe even more than barbecue chips!).
I'm also talking to boyfriend on the phone :3 he's writing a blog post too!
It's probably going to have embarrassing stuff about me in it, of course. What kind of bog post doesn't?
The icky, completely unhumorous sort. Herp derp derp.

I wanted to make a sandwich today (obviously because I'm an awesome woman). Yet, despite me having the best intent EVAR my mommy decided to stab my happiness in the face with deli meat. Yeah, that's right. That's what you just heard. Bam.
I might even sue.
I might sue for improper conduct with sliced flesh or for the stabbing of happiness.
 R.I.P happiness, we'll all miss you.
Cause someone decided you were in need of a good stabbing.

Grumble grumble grumble.

Aight. So Imma lay down something fresh for you here and tell you how this homicide occurred. While being amazingly black and eloquent.
A.k.a I'll be impersonating Morgan Freeman.
The scenario went like this...

One girl....
One uncompleted sandwich....
In desperate need of ham....
**Dramatic music scheme continues**
**Girl opens fridge**
**Casual fading into black as girl has shocked look on face**
"What are you talking about?"
"Its...its.....deli cut."
Coming to a theater near you.
Quest For Greatness: Volume of the ham

Ahem. I'm an amazing screenwriter aren't I?
So basically the gist of this is that my mom bought the nasty deli sliced ham instead of the awesome kind of ham I -always- eat.
Like I said, happiness was stabbed and I was left very dissatisfied with an incomplete sandwich and a Boyfriend laughing hysterically.

[Alright so this just has to do with the incomplete sandwich thing.
I have a pervy joke. Well it's not really a joke. Just kinda. Cause the sandwich wanted meat inside of it. Mmmmmmmmmmm. Sandwich humor]


 All of this was supposed to be posted last night.
I'm actually on my computer now.
I fell asleep before I could finish this post last night so I decided to pretend it was still yesterday.


Drama sucks. It sucks ass.
Have you ever sucked ass?
I haven't. Because I'm amazing.
I assume it'd be unpleasant though.
It'd probably invoke similar memories of sucking balls. And your childhood.
And your uncle.
ANYWAY. So yeah.
 Boyfriend's friend Lauren is going through some stuff.
Aka, she and her boyfriend broke up and then right after she got with Boone.
0.0 Whoa. I mean like, I've had some short periods of being single but never that fast. I mean like, I hope she's happy cause her ex Tyler was kind of a dick to her (He's a cool dude though; I'm not flaming. We're friends.) it just seems a bit....meh. -Shrug-

And a lot of people in my life are depressed right now <--more drama.
Hell, I even get depressed.
I cried yesterday. And it made Boyfriend upset :/
Cause he thought it was his fault. Which it wasn't.
I never even really told him why I did. There wasn't an exact way. It was different stuff...
Ya know what I mean?
Maybe you do.
I wouldn't know since I'm not you.
Gahhhh. I'm such a depressing person.
I don't want to about a lot of stuff on here; Not like I'd mind Boyfriend seeing it but I know for a fact that my friend Lauren reads this >.>
Yeah Lauren. Lol. I can see what kind of browsers look at my blog. Android?
Ermherm. Herro.
And Brady might read it too.
Etc etc.

Everything already thinks I'm emo anyway x3 (Boyfriend- Bri, your background is a cat throwing up rainbows. It's emo.). and I admit, I am pretty emo.

But I'm still shy about this kind of thing. I was considering making another blog and posting all of my emotional bad stuff on IT but I decided against it.


I told Boyfriend a lot about how I was when I was a little kid.
I was quite a frightened child.
I was afraid of a lot of different monsters.

Like the werewolf in my closet.
Or the crocodiles under my bed.
Or the Moose Monster. *shudder*

The Moose Monster was utterly terrifying.
It was basically the same concept of Slender man but....moosey.


Pure, Unadulterated horror.


Would you be able to sleep if you kept seeing that at your window at night?! Hell no!
Moose Monster was like my freakin' kryptonite.
Oh I could be as brave as I wanted in the day, when the sun was blaring its heated rays down on earth. But at night, Satan came to Earth in the form of Moose Monster to torment my sleeping pattern.

I still look out of the windows at night expecting to see Moose Monster x3

I just know some dickhead friend of mine is going to see this and never let me live it down.
But that's alright. Because I love you guys.

And Moose Monster will smite you down eventually anyway.


Remember when I told you that I had to make a kite for my science class?
I did. And it was as if Canada threw up all over it.
Wanna see it?

It's Canada, Eh.

I think it's quite lovely.
I only had two markers so it looks a bit menacing lol.
By the way, those aren't axes. Those are hockey sticks. Just saying.
My kite never actually flew. x3
It's a failure. To Canada. I was able to make Canada jokes when it was one of the only kites that didn't fly.

I have ONE Canadian friend (Oh believe me, everyone torments her enough as it is, eh.) and she definitely wanted to castrate me.
With a rusty spoon.
Remember how I'm a girl?
I love Canadians. ;D

Well, I'll post more later.

I never got a Sandwich

Friday, April 1, 2011

Red Riding Hood and Crotch Candy

I had a wonderful day today.

I went to the movies (to see 'Red Riding Hood'!!!!) today after school with Maddy and Boyfriend.
I had some interesting incidents there. Mainly involving my tongue.

Me: Why are they all white in this movie?

Boyfriend: Not all of them are.

Me: Yes, they are.

Boyfriend: Nuh uh, look there's black people!

Me: Yay!

Boyfriend: Oh look..I bet they're slaves

Me: They are NOT slaves >.>

Boyfriend: I bet they are :3

Me: I bet they're not.

Boyfriend: They are!!

Me: They're not!!

Boyfriend: How much do you want to bet?

Me: A lot!

**Starts making out**

Or perhaps something more subtle? Hmmm.

Me: HAHAHAHA (At a semi humorous part of the movie)

Boyfriend: Ohmygosh, shut up Briana

Me: No :3

Boyfriend: Yes

Me: Bet you cant make me!

Boyfriend: Bet I can!

Me: Nuh uhhh

Boyfriend: Yes huhhh

**Starts making out**

Me: Okay, maybe you can shut me up a little bit

Or a classic...

-Boyfriend and Maddy are playing a shooting game in the arcade with me in between them; It's in one of those booth thingys-


**Kisses boyfriend/Makes out**

Maddy: xD

Shane: x3 **Tries to continue playing game while making out**

Multitasking is fun.
Not like I can do it.

I dunno if I mentioned on this blog or not but when I was talking to boyfriend on the phone once I tried to put a jug of milk in the microwave because I was distracted.
Good times.
Mmmm. I'm going to go eat some food soon.

Speaking of food, I made.had Boyfriend by our candy today. We got Buncha crunch, sour patch kids and junior mints.
In the middle of the movie I wasn't hungry anymore so I started to throw the candy at Boyfriend's pants to annoy him. After a while, he started to eat it.
Lol, crotch candy.
He makes me so happy, I swear. It's ridiculous.

I'll post later. I needs food!!!!!
