Wednesday, May 18, 2011

All I want are some Zs, a poptart, and perhaps you.

I just downloaded about twenty episodesof Yu-gi-oh abridged onto my Ipod.
I....I....I love referencing this shit.

"My love for you is bigger than Mai Valentine's boobs."


Speaking of love being compared to Mai Valentine's meaty appendages of cleavage, that very line up there is how I feel about Boyfriend.
Saturday marked our three month mensiversary.
If anyone has watched Yu-gi-oh abridged then you'll know that I lurve him a freaking lot.
He always goes out of his way to cheer me up when I feel like stabbing myself in the knee repeatedly and then maybe stabbing someone else in the knee repeatedly.
He makes me happy in general, of course. 'Cause he's great like that.
He's given me some of my favorite memories and he's always been there for me. Boyfriend ish the best.
Wanna know some more stuff that's great about him?
He knows how much of an ass I am. He even slightly ENCOURAGES it.
And he was only slightly mentally scarred when I spammed him with Yu-gi-oh amvs, or when I named my time of the month Randy, or when I try to make him a bronie (harcore, heterosexual male fans of My Little Pony).


Holy freak.
The cosplay situation is confusing.
So basically, what's going down is that Brianna is going as Rin Kagemine from the 'Daughter of evil' videos so I've been told I'm going as Lin.
Aka, I'm going to be her male entourage. xD
Good times.
Or something.
It's quite confusing. I have to call Lilykins in a moment to get details.
It's this saturday.


This morning my Ipod nearly scared me to death.
It said that I had numero 0 songs.
I ahve about 200.

Scaaary stuff right there, man.

Update: Yeah, it's cool. My music is there. <3


It's Wednesday morning.
I missed my bus.
Color guard practice was last night.

I really don't feel like doing this anymore....
If I do, I'm probably going to make a new blog.

Cursity curse curse.


The summer is almost here.

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