Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why 3 Is Red With a Hint of Happy

I've recently been really interested in Synesthesia. It's an interesting thing :P
And there are so many different kinds! My Ashley-dear is a number-color synesthesiast among other things; She also feels that the numbers and colors have different personalities. It sounds pleasant, when she rattles on about how 3 doesnt get along with 8 and 2 is obviously purple.

I did some research about it, due to my curiousity.
( copied from )


Spatial sequence (number form)*
= 101/1147
= 8.8%
Emotions -> colors= 32/1147
= 2.8%
Flavors -> colors= 72/1147
= 6.3%
General sounds -> colors
= 173/1147
= 15.1%
Graphemes -> colors
= 731/1147
= 63.7%
Kinetics -> colors= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Musical notes -> colors
= 96/1147
= 8.4%
Musical sounds -> colors
= 216/1147
= 18.8%
Odors -> colors
= 72/1147
= 6.3%
Orgasm -> colors
= 23/1147
= 2.0%
Pain -> colors
= 63/1147
= 5.5%
Personalities -> colors (“auras”)
= 72/1147
= 6.3%
Phonemes -> colors
= 86/1147
= 7.5%
Temperatures -> colors
= 24/1147
= 2.1%
Time units -> colors
= 267/1147
= 23.3%
Touch -> colors
= 43/1147
= 3.7%
Emotion -> smell
= 2/1147
= 0.2%
Grapheme personification* (OLP)
= 51/1147
 = 4.4%
Non-graphemic ord. pers.*
Object personification*
= 20/1147
 = 1.7%
Emotion -> flavor
= 2/1147
= 0.2%
Emotion -> pain
= 3/1147
= 0.3%
Emotion -> smell
= 2/1147
= 0.2%
Emotion -> temperature
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Emotion -> touch
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Flavors -> sounds
= 2/1147
= 0.2%
Flavors -> temperatures
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Flavors -> touch
= 7/1147
= 0.6%
Grapheme -> flavor
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Kinetics -> sounds
= 4/1147
= 0.3%
Phoneme -> flavor
= 32/1147
= 2.7%
Lexeme -> touch
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Mirror touch*
Musical notes -> flavors
= 3/1147
= 0.3%
Pain -> flavor
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Pain -> smell
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Pain -> sound
= 2/1147
= 0.2%
Personalities -> smells
= 5/1147
= 0.4%
Personalities -> touch
= 3/1147
Phoneme -> touch
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Smells -> flavor
= 2/1147
= 0.2%
Smells -> sounds
= 5/1147
= 0.4%
Smells -> temperatures
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Smells -> touch
= 5/1147
= 0.4%
Sound -> flavors
= 60/1147
= 5.2%
Sounds -> kinetics
= 5/1147
= 0.4%
Sounds -> smells
= 16/1147
= 1.4%
Sound -> temperatures
= 6/1147
= 0.5%
Sound -> touch
= 49/1147
= 4.3%
Temperature -> flavors
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Temperatures -> sounds
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Touch -> emotions
= 2/1147
Touch -> flavors
= 11/1147
= 1.0%
Touch -> smell
= 3/1147
= 0.3%
Touch -> sounds
= 9/1147
Touch -> temperatures
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Vision -> flavors
= 32/1147
= 2.8%
Vision -> kinetics
= 1/1147
= 0.1%
Vision -> smells
= 15/1147
= 1.3%
Vision -> sounds
= 29/1147
= 2.5%
Vision -> Temperatures
= 2/1147
= 0.2%
Vision -> touch
= 19/1147
= 1.7%

" * " = "insufficient data"

 It seems so wonderful, doesnt it?
Well I must go now, byebye!

Nanana ~

Hola senors and senoritas! Lot's of stuffies has been going on.
I started writing an essay due to boredom today in German class. It's about how white people do not exist. I personally find it a riveting subject. I've been having trouble with my thesis for it though. Oh well. It's kinda stupid anyway.

I've been listening to a lot of music lately. Music, sleep, and the few friends that arent being hormonal teenagers have been my only escape recently. This isnt necessarily bad. Just a bit..lonely.

I wrote another blonde girl song when I was skyping with Shane!!! It's amazingness in literaturistic form. I <3 using big words hehe.

Blonde girl wants some poptarts
Maybe then her song, she could start
because without these delicious beings
there is no point for blonde girl's singing
for she likes to sing about what she loves
such as knives and poptarts and balloons and doves
She could always write shane a song
but it would most likely be too long
because blonde girl is not good at writing songs
because they usually do not rhyme :)
Do you like it? Shane thinks it's amazing.

You have to enjoy the small things in life sometimes. Like...good conversations with friends or rainy days. Imma make a list.

  1. BBQ chips
  2. Good conversation
  3. Punk remakes of pop songs
  4. Skype
  5. Kesha on a sad day
  6. Coke in coffee mugs
  7. Eddsworld
  8. Starbucks
  9. Wearing Joseph's band hoodie when it's cold
  10. Writing letters back and forth on index cards
  11. Making up stories in PE
  12. Singing in the witching hour
  13. Dancing when you think you're alone
  14. Synesthesia
  15. Dusty books
  16. Having grey eyes
  17. Being short
  18. Lacy curtains
  19. Cicco's oreos
  20. Clouds
  21. Blue crayons
  22. Breezy days
  23. Pajama pants
  24. Painted toenails
  25. You