Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bored On a Saturday Night; Might as Well Make A Post

Whoa, I haven't made any posts on this blog....ever. Well ,that stops now.

Call me Tarin. It's not my real name, nor is it even close but it'll do. I originally started this blog so I could see the "Hell" I created using an app that just gave me a couple dozen lines of HTML to paste onto a blog. I guess this'd be a better place to talk about my life than facebook though. If you forgive my southern drawl and horrific grammar.
Anyway, if you're actually reading this I would normally say you had no life, but considering how I'm sitting at my computer on a Saturday night eating popcorn chicken I dont think I can say that without being a hypocrite. On that note, since I live in southern Alabama (SOUTHERN Alabama, which means 10 times worse than -just- Alabama) there really isn't much to do on a Saturday night. I usually find some sort of social plans though.

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