Thursday, September 15, 2011

Not Quite Last Will and Testament

AP History shall be the death of me.
Sheila, Bri, Savvy and Lily can have my manga.
Meorgan can have my food and my "broken soul".
Sarah can share the soul with Meorgan.
Shane can have everything else that no one claims. He has my heart of course, derp.

And sooo ends the life of Briana Hardman. R.I.P.


Blount vs Davidson tomorrow!
First away game. I dunno whether to be excited or not.
I hope I get to hang out with Boyfriend.
I'm spending the night with Meorgan and Sarah afterwards. That'll be fun.

IB is tiring.
I have no life outside of school now. Lol.

My eyes feel like resting right now..
I love you!



Saturday, September 10, 2011

Newport Living

Aaaand Davidson'd winning streak continues!
The rednecks were no match for us.
Blunt vs Davidson next week.


So tomorrow's 9/11.
Hmm. Yeeeah. It's been ten years.
I saw a documentary today on Netflix; it was talking about how it was a conspiracy.
Weird, right?


Monday. It's coming. Oh noes.
I don't like Mondays.
Plus, it'll be one year on Monday.


I saw a girl at the game that looked a lot like Ashley. It probably wasnt.

Sheila keeps telling me that she doesn't understand why we don't get along. I miss her.
I mean both of them, by the way, haha. I haven't hung out with Sheila in a while.


School is good. :D


Pancakes. That is all.


I'm so happy with him. I hope he's still happy with me.


Love, the four year old Turdolphin.
